NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
NRCA’s Emergency Assistance & Food Pantries serve low-income families and individuals who are experiencing financial instability. Temporary assistance may include food, voucher payments for utilities, rent, non-opioid medications, clothing, or fuel for transportation. Each site operates a food pantry that is reliant on donations from the community. Community Service Workers provide information and referrals to help consumers obtain needed support.
The Floyd County Backpack Program provides students with supplemental food on the weekends. Moose Lodge and other volunteers purchase, pack, and distribute food weekly during the school year in partnership with the school system. NRCA serves as the fiscal agent for the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry , a joint food ministry of twenty-five Blacksburg area faith-based congregations.
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A family contacted us regarding their mother who was back in the hospital battling cancer. They stated their mother was in the final stages of her fight and had fallen behind in her bills due to going back and forth to medical appointments. Emergency
Assistance paid the mortgage, electric bill, water bill, and assisted with food for the family.
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