NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
Mary enrolled into the CHIP program when she was 7 months pregnant. She was a 21-year-old that experienced Shaken Baby Syndrome herself, as an infant, with mild-cognitive lasting effects. John, father of the child, was living with Mary in the basement of her grandparents’ house. Mary was interested in the prenatal education that CHIP provided to her. She delivered a healthy full term baby boy, Sam, with no complications. Mary breastfed Sam for two weeks. Mary did suffer from Post-Partum Depression (PPD), and we referred her to counseling and to a PCP (Primary Care Providers). Mary did seek treatment for PPD with full recovery. Baby Sam grew but did not pass milestones. Mary’s grandparents provided childcare for him, but they kept him confined to a play area to keep up with his activity (they were in their 80’s). They loved him but Sam was not receiving the stimulation and engagement he needed for development. CHIP referred Sam to Early Intervention Services to begin receiving help with his developmental delays and to the Developmental Clinic for an assessment. CHIP also referred Mary to DSS (Department of Social Services) to see if she qualified for a childcare stipend and she was awarded! Sam has been going to Day Care where he gets interaction and socialization. Sam continues to be non-verbal, but his motor skills are slowly catching up. Mary and Sam have now moved out of her grandparents’ basement into a duplex. We have seen Mary grow as a parent and become self-sufficient. She has allowed us to partner with and support her in many of the major life decisions she has faced. Last week Mary came by the CHIP office for assistance with completing Sam’s Head Start application so that it would be ready when he turns three.
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