NRCA Annual Report 2021


is a comprehensive early education program for children

NRCA's Head Start

is a comprehensive early education program for children

ages three to five from at-risk backgrounds. From early math and reading

ages three to five from at-risk backgrounds. From early math and reading

skills to confidence and resilience, Head Start helps children build the abilities

skills to confidence and resilience, Head Start helps children build the abilities

they need to be successful in school and life. Head Start engages parents as

they need to be successful in school and life. Head Start engages parents as

equal partners with their child’s teacher and works closely with the local

equal partners with their child’s teacher and works closely with the local

community to adapt to t

he needs of each jurisdiction. Every child can

community to adapt to t

he needs of each jurisdiction. Every child can

succeed, and together, Head Start supports children, families, and

succeed, and together, Head Start supports children, families, and

communities on their path to success.

communities on their path to success.

Head Start continued to provide services during the pandemic providing

Head Start continued to provide services during the pandemic providing

family engagement, health, education, and a quality Pre-Kindergarten

family engagement, health, education, and a quality Pre-Kindergarten

experience by offering flexibility in our service delivery model. Parents were

experience by offering flexibility in our service delivery model. Parents were

able to choose between Head Start

services in person, attending one of our

able to choose between Head Start

services in person, attending one of our

20 classrooms in 13 sites across the New River Valley, or participate in a

20 classrooms in 13 sites across the New River Valley, or participate in a

distance learning model. Activities were delivered to homes weekly and

distance learning model. Activities were delivered to homes weekly and

teachers partnered with parents to establish a regular home learning routine,

teachers partnered with parents to establish a regular home learning routine,

complete health, and developmental screenings, and complete the activities

complete health, and developmental screenings, and complete the activities

provided. Parents received weekly support through virtual visits

and phone

provided. Parents received weekly support through virtual visits

and phone

calls with Head Start staff.

calls with Head Start staff.



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