NRCA Annual Report 2021


provides families with young children access to health care, case

management, and parent education. Children's Health Improvement Partnership of the New River


provides families with young children access to health care, case


provides families with young children access to health care, case

Valley (CHIP of NRV) partners with families and health partners to create nurturing home

management, and parent education. Children's Health Improvement Partnership of the New River

management, and parent education. Children's Health Improvement Partnership of the New River

environments and healthy outcomes for children age birth through six. The program model

Valley (CHIP of NRV) partners with families and health partners to create nurturing home

Valley (CHIP of NRV) partners with families and health partners to create nurturing home

environments and healthy outcomes for children age birth through six. The program model

includes accessing medical and dental homes, promoting successful parenting through the use of

environments and healthy outcomes for children age birth through six. The program model

includes accessing medical and dental homes, pro

moting successful parenting through the use of

the nationally recognized evidence-based Parents as Teachers curriculum, and ensuring parents

includes accessing medical and dental homes, prom

oting successful parenting through the use of

the nationally recognized evidence-based Parents as Teachers curriculum, and ensuring parents

understand and follow physician recommendations.

the nationally recognized evidence-based Parents as Teachers curriculum, and ensuring parents

understand and follow physician recommendations.

understand and follow physician recommendations.

CHIP staff members help families set and attain health and self-sufficiency goals, assist with

CHIP staff members help families set and attain health and self-sufficiency goals, assist with

CHIP staff members help families set and attain health and self-sufficiency goals, assist with

transportation, conduct developmental screenings, and help families access other community

transportation, conduct developmental screenings, and help families access other community

transportation, conduct developmental screenings, and help families access other community

based services. All services emphasize prevention, early intervention, school readiness, and family

based services. All servic

es emphasize prevention, early intervention, school readiness, and family

based services. All servic

es emphasize prevention, early intervention, school readiness, and family




Enrolled families receive regular home visits from CHIP Registered Nurses who provide health

Enrolled families receive regular home visits from CHIP Registered Nurses who provide health

Enrolled families receive regular home visits from CHIP Registered Nurses who provide health

education, medical case management, and early screenings for developmental delays. The

education, medical case management, and early screenings for developmental delays. The

education, medical case management, and early screenings for developmental delays. The

Nurse supports the child’s physician ensuring access to preventative health care and other

Nurse supports the child’s physician ensuring access to preventative health care and oth er

Nurse supports the child’s physician ensuring access to preventative health care and oth er

necessary medical services.

necessary medical services.

necessary medical services.

A vital component of the CHIP program is the Parents as Teachers (PAT) parent education

A vital component of the CHIP program is the Parents as Teachers (PAT) parent education

A vital component of the CHIP program is the Parents as Teachers (PAT) parent education

curriculum. All CHIP Family Educators are nationally certified trainers. PAT drives home the

curriculum. All CHIP Family Educators are nationally certified trainers. PAT drives home the

curriculum. All CHIP Family Educators are nationally certified trainers. PAT drives home the

message that parents are their children’s first and best teachers.

message that parents are their children’s first and best teachers.

message that parents are their children’s first and best teachers.




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