Community Programs
FAMILY & FRIENDS CPR – $15 The Family & Friends CPR course teaches the lifesaving skills of adult ,andsͲKnůy CPR, aduůt CPR with breaths, chiůd CPR with breaths, aduůt and chiůd A use, inĨant CPR, and miůd and severe airway bůock Ĩor aduůts, chiůdren, and inĨants. ^kiůůs are taught in a dynamic group environment using the A,A͛s researchͲproven practiceͲwhiůeͲwatching techniƋue, which provides students with the most handsͲon CPR practice time possibůe.
Famiůy Θ Friends CPR is Ĩor peopůe who want to ůearn CPR but do not need a CPR course certiĮcation card to meet a ũob reƋuirement. dhis course is ideaů Ĩor community groups, new parents, grandparents, babysiƩers, and others interested in ůearning how to save a ůiĨe.
Wed., Apr. 3
6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m.
This class is an introductory course to look at real world self-defense. The course is broken down into two cůasses. /n the Įrst cůass heůd at the Montgomery County 'overnment Center, we wiůů discuss the myths and misconceptions
oĨ seůĨͲdeĨense as weůů as the theory behind eīective seůĨͲ protection. /n the second cůass, heůd at Date Time Location Course Wed., Mar. 20 Wed., Mar. 27 6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MC'C MP2 6430 FLEXIBILITY & STRENGTH TRAINING CLASS – $15 thether you are ũust commiƫng to a stronger seůĨ or want to improve your current routine, this cůass is Ĩor you. dhis cůass wiůů incůude some cardio, strength and Ňexibiůity exercises in a variety oĨ time eĸcient workouts making it a Ĩun 30 minute workout. zou͛ůů aůso improve baůance, Ňexibiůity, range oĨ motion, posture and Ĩunctionaů perĨormance oĨ everyday activities. Date Time Location Course Feb. ϭ2, ϭ4, ϭ9, 2ϭ, 26, 28 Mar. 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 April 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25 ϭ2:ϭ5 p.m. ʹ ϭ2:45 p.m. 12:15 p.m. – ϭ2:45 p.m. 12:15 p.m. – ϭ2:45 p.m. MC'C MPϭ MC'C MPϭ MC'C MPϭ 643ϭ 6432 6433 540.382.6975 | 19
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