Preview of Frog Hoppers' Camp Themes for SUMMER 2019 – $175 per session Registration wiůů begin March ϭ5th and registration packets are avaiůabůe aŌer March ϭst on our website or At the MCPR oĸce, 755 Roanoke ^t., Christiansburg. Frog ,oppers, Montgomery County͛s summer day camp ;grades ϭͲ6Ϳ, is a great way Ĩor chiů- dren to experience education and recreation outdoors͊ dhis is a weůůͲstructured camp that invoůves smaůů group ůearning activities at MidͲCounty Park and the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů. Campers wiůů experience arts, craŌs, nature activities, hikes, sports, games and more͊ dhey wiůů aůso get daiůy Ĩree swim time at the pooů. Camp is heůd daiůy, rain or shine. YuaůiĮed, trained and experienced counseůors wiůů initiate the Ĩun and activities that your chiůd wiůů remember Ĩorever. Camp wiůů be heůd MondayͲFriday and taught in weekůy sessions with dropͲoī beginning at 7:30 a.m. and pick-up by 5:30 p.m. a late pick-up fee of $1 per minute will be applied aŌer 5:30 p.m. space is ůimited to 25 participants, so register earůy͊ Registration deadůine: tednesday prior to the week oĨ camp. Eote: chiůdren are eůigibůe Ĩor camp Ĩrom the time they are entering 1 st grade to the time they are entering 6 th grade͖ aŌer they have reached the 6 th grade they are no longer eligible.
Session Dates
ഩഩϭ ഩഩ2 ഩഩ3 ഩഩ4 ഩഩ5 ഩഩ6 ഩഩ7 ഩഩ8
:une ϭ0 Ͳ ϭ4 :une ϭ7 Ͳ 2ϭ :une 24 Ͳ 28
^aĨari teek
^uper ,eroes Θ Princesses
^ports xtravagannja
:uůy ϭ Ͳ 5 *(No Camp on 7/4)
Patriotic Ceůebration Mad ^cientist >ab dhe tonders oĨ tater
:uůy 8 Ͳ ϭ2 :uůy ϭ5 Ͳ ϭ9 :uůy 22 Ͳ 26
Animaů Půanet ^hark teek
:uůy 29 Ͳ August 2
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