BOB ROSS JOY OF PAINTING – $55 (AGE 10 up) zou͛ůů ůearn to paint anything Ĩrommountains to seascapes, cabins, barns and ůakes. CertiĮed ob Ross /nstructor ;CR/Ϳ in ůandscapes, obby toods, wiůů be teaching. AŌer each session you wiůů have a compůeted Įnished painting to enũoy and show oī. Chiůdren under ϭ0 shouůd be accompanied by an aduůt. Aůů materiaůs provided. Registration deadůine is one week prior to each class. Date Time Location Course ^at., :anuary 26 6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. MCAC 6422 ^at., February 23 ;aůů sessionsͿ ;aůů sessionsͿ 6423 ^at., March 30 6424 ^at., Apriů 27 6425 ^at., May 25 6426
BOATING SAFETY EDUCATION COURSE – FREE (AGE 16) As oĨ 20ϭ6, aůů operators oĨ PtCs ;Personaů tatercraŌ such as ũetͲskis, ^ea oos, tave Runners, etc.Ϳ and operators oĨ Motorboats with a ϭ0hp or greater motor wiůů be reƋuired to have a boating saĨety education course compůetion card on board when operating their watercraŌ. do register Ĩor the oating ^aĨety course, you must log on to
We are not taking registration through MCPR.
^at. Mar. 9
8:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m.
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