what we expected, but is a beautiful gifting all the same. Examples of these characteristics will be seen in the following stories. An amazing number of times someone will approach me at Church, in a grocery store, or out in the community and tell me how touched he or she is to receive a card with a note in Keaton’s unique handwriting. It could be in response to an illness, a death in the family, or congratulations on an achievement or event; maybe it is just because he is thinking of them. He truly cares and is interested in other people. When there is to be a cook-out or a party of any kind in our neighborhood he is more than willing to make out one of his famous lists, and to contact each person. Often times he places a remittance time limit so he can keep track of responses, and can do a follow up call or visit if he has not heard from them. He considers himself co-hosting an event if he does the inviting. He is especially fond of picnics and cook- outs at his home. He does not always acknowledge the monetary cost and actual work which such things involve. Today, for example, as my husband and I were taking a coffee break at the YMCA a former teacher stopped to talk with us. He told us that Keaton was “on stage” this evening. When I looked somewhat confused, he said that Keaton was to speak to his wife’s psychology class at Radford University, something Keaton has done each semester for several years. The former teacher went on to tell us that he and his wife had received a letter last week from Keaton. In his letter
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