After a while his work hours became eight to twelve o’clock, Monday through Friday and he also began to receive a salary.His “boss”, asKeatoncallsher, has been very kind and understanding. She has had to receive Keaton’s Job Coach on several occasions. His coach observes him and makes suggestions to the employer regarding Keaton’s special requirements, and how best to address them. Sarah has adjusted his schedule to include variety and movement. We remind him to be certain that he repays her with quality effort on his part. We appreciate his opportunity for employment, and he is very proud of his job. Gavin who is five years younger than Keaton obtained his license to drive, so Keaton decided that he too wanted to drive at least around in our county. He studied online, was given “behind-the-wheel” lessons taught by a licensed instructor and practiced driving with his dad. In 2014, he felt ready to pass the driving test. He called our house to ask his grandfather to do him a favor. The favor was to take him to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get his license. I was surprised, but Carl readily agreed, and off they went. Keaton was unable to locate the hazard flasher on his car, so the lady asked him to come back the next day. He passed his driving test without difficulty. He surprised his parents with his new license when they returned home from work. It was evident that Keaton was not going to fit the image of autism that we had thought he would. His great strengths and love are his memory of names, faces, connections of relatives with one another, and his sympathy and affection for others. This is not
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