Chapter VI (Today) “The beat goes on—and on—and on” Upon graduation fromNewRiver CommunityCollege Keaton did not find a Sunday school class in our church that fit his age and interests. He and his older cousin Chip attend the same class as their parents. The range in ages of the members of this class makes it an agreeable group for Chip and Keaton. Keaton became acquainted with Sarah Terry in this Sunday school class. She was in the process of moving her computer business to Pulaski. Her business is called Expert Advice, Customer Care Consulting or (EAC2Consulting). This was the field in which Keaton had received his degree. Sarah employed him on a part-time basis as a first job experience for him. Keaton was receiving aid from the State Department of Rehabilitative Services; Sarah was committed to have people come to her place of business to observe him. The Department of Rehabilitative Services provides persons who have special needs with a job coach who can help them find suitable employment. Of course, Keaton and his parents had found employment for him. The job coach needed only to follow up with Keaton while he was actually on the site
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