quote in a high-pitched voice is that one of my dad’s accounting professors in college used to say that quote. I took principles of management also. Two young girls close to my age and two older women did group work with me in that class. The coolest part is when my teacher gave me a $100 dollar bill for having the highest average in class one time and another time when I had perfect attendance in that class. One time I spoke on the student panel to answer questions for high school students with disabilities who were planning to attend New River Community College. They were coming to learn what college was like and what kind of accommodations they could have. One of the students asked me if they read my test to me. I told them yes and that they could read the test but they could not give answers because it was cheating and the person reading the test did not know the answers because they did not take the class. I graduated from college with a 3.8 grade point aver- age. I got hugs from the two professors I worked most closely with and most students shook hands with the president as they crossed the stage but I got a hug.
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