The hardest class that I ever took was accounting. I would go see my teacher during office hours and before class and get some extra help onmy accounting. I was afraid that I was going to get a “D” or an “F” in the class. My dad and I would work for hours at home because he majored in business. I was relieved that I got a “B” in the class rather than a “D” or an “F” I used to love History class because two of my history teachers would tell interesting stories. There were times where I answered questions and I would tell interesting stories. One time, I told the History class the story about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both dying on the same day. My brother and I used to argue which one died first when we were younger. I used to think that John Adams died first and my brother used to think that Thomas Jefferson died first. I later realized that my brother was right and I was wrong. I thought that John Adams died at 2:00 in the morning and that Thomas Jefferson died at 2:00 in the afternoon. I later realized that Thomas Jefferson died at 12:50 in the afternoon and that John Adams died at 6:20 in the evening. I took an Intro to Business class. I always kept ev- erybody on track in class, but one day I was asleep out in the hallway. One of the students woke me up and I went to class. There were two older women and an older man that used to do group work with me in class and they always made sure that I was focused. One time my teacher asked a question. My response was, “Money is time and time is money. If you are wasting time then you are wasting money.” I said it in a high-pitched voice in class. The reason I said that
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