he wrote that he wanted them to know he would soon be the author of a book. Keaton considers the couple to be his friends. He had the husband for science and the wife was his psychologist in high school. Evidently the couple feels the same way about Keaton. The former teacher shared with us that the world would be a different place if others “had the heart” that Keaton has. We have in our antique kitchen cabinet, several copies of lists that Keaton has printed on the computer. There is a list of people he wants to invite to our 60 th wedding anniversary celebration. This party is still fifteen months away. There is still plenty of time to make final arrangements for the reception! The revisions are numerous; he adds and subtracts names to the list as he deems appropriate. At times the list is so long that we have to adjust our minds to consider the church fellowship hall, rather than our newest restaurant and conference center. Keaton’s attention to details and his need to have facts accurate and settled in his mind is one of his traits of autism. This is evident in several of the accounts of his actions. In addition to a list of names and telephone numbers of persons Keaton feels I should have on my bulletin board, I have a list of people to whom Carl and I should send one of our picture family Christmas cards. Our immediate family now has sixteen people and counting. Maybe that should be waiting; we have no great grandchildren as yet. His number of recipients of our cards continues to grow. Keaton enjoys having friends and acquaintances he can list and number. He wants the same thing for us.
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