and I was used to the same routine all of the time. This psychologist switched schedules, so I started seeing a different psychologist. The new psychologist always called me whenever she was late and whenever she could not come. She referred me to see a psychologist in Richmond, Virginia. He said that his main concern was that I was super stressed. He referred me to see a cognitive behavior specialist and an anxiety specialist in Blacksburg, Virginia. I saw this psychologist in Blacksburg for several years. He worked with me on deep breathing. He was one of the best psychologists that I ever saw. It broke my heart when he retired. I see a cognitive behavior and an anxiety specialist in Radford, Virginia now. She is very smart and I like her. One summer, I went to a facility in Fishersville, Virginia to learn how to drive and to be evaluated to see what kind of job I could get. I was very homesick. I was supposed to be there for eight or nine days but I only stayed for two days and I left. I cried for two straight days. My roommate was scared of a bug. He wanted me to pull down the emergency button when a bug ran across the floor. I stepped on the bug and killed it instead. One of the main reasons why I did not like that place is because I felt like the people that worked there were “standoffish” and many of the children were from different backgrounds that I did not understand. The summer before my ninth grade year and tenth grade year, I took a course called, “Camp Cougar”. This was a summer P.E. class for high school students to take if they did not want to take P.E. class during the school year. I would go canoeing, white water rafting,
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