Chapter 4 High School
I went to Pulaski County High School in Pulaski, Virginia. Many good things happened to me in high school. I started making friends, I started having crushes on girls, I was on the swim team, I was on the yearbook staff, and I was a member of the chess club. My uncle was the swim coach. He invited me to be a part of the swim team. Most people were accepting of me on the swim team. Family members, friends, and acquaintances used to come watch me swim at the meets. I worked very hard to learn how to dive in the water. I also loved how the water felt. We had an assistant coach who worked with me on my diving and strokes. She was dedicated to helping all of us improve. The team would ride the bus to and from away meets. We would listen to a lot of music and have fun on the bus. I nicknamed my bus driver, “Koolaide” because he dyed his hair with colors that looked like koolaide. I had a psychologist that I saw for a few years. This person did not show up for some of my appointments and did not call me when he was late or was unable to meet. This upset me because it threw me off schedule
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