and all kinds of different things. There was a man who was my aide in Camp Cougar both summers. He and I got along quite well. I really admired him. One time I was white water rafting toward a rock and I said, “Jesus, take the wheel” because I wanted God and Jesus to keep me safe so I did not hit a rock or get hurt. This man and I ended up being close. He ended up being my weightlifting teacher my senior year of high school. One time in weightlifting class I moved from one exercise to another and I said, “Thank Goodness” and he said, “I do not want to hear thank goodness because that sounds weak.” I still laugh when I think about my teacher saying that. I always had an attachment to three math teachers that I had known for years. My parents were math teachers at Pulaski County High School at one time. These three women taught with my parents in the math pod. I ended up having all three of these women for math when I was in high school. We all used to get together during the summer at baseball games at Calfee Park in Pulaski. I have always had a fear of thunderstorms and I have never gotten over my fear. Since I have not gotten over my fear of thunderstorms, I moved my bedroom to the basement so I could sleep well and I would not be afraid of thunderstorms at night. My dog, Gigi shares the same fear. One time in English class, I was reading the book called, “The Scarlet Letter”. My teacher said to the class that she was looking for a four-letter word that was the theme of the book and started with the letter, “F”. I accidentally spelled out the word,
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