Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
7 Virginia’s new School Quality Profiles provide information and other topics of interest to parents and the general public. Links to our School Quality Profiles can be found on each school’s website or by searching http://www.schoolquality.virginia.gov . Printed versions are also available to parents upon request.
Parent input is valued and encouraged. Parents are provided multiple opportunities for input on sponsored events and program planning. At the end of the year, parent surveys are administered providing feedback for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of our program and providing insight as to how to make the program more effective.
The Title I program supports students in grades K-7 with literacy and math skills so that they might be successful in the regular classroom and achieve grade-level performance. This helps students develop a broader understanding of the reading and writing processes and experience the excitement that literacy can encompass, as well as providing a solid foundation in math. All elementary schools are Title I School-Wide schools; therefore, the entire school may participate in Title I services when needed.
Our Title I schools actively seek to engage families in student’s learning by sponsoring a variety of parent involvement events. An annual orientation and open house is held in the Fall at each of the schools so that parents may become better informed about the program. After individual student strengths and needs have been
assessed, conferences are arranged with parents. Title I teachers share student’s strengths and skills that need to be developed throughout the year and the part each will play in accomplishing that goal. Parents are informed of student progress through conferences, report cards, personal telephone calls, and newsletters (classroom and Building Readers).
Parents may request and the division will provide (in a timely manner) information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers, including whether the teacher 1) has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction, 2) is teaching under emergency or other provisional status and 3) is teaching in the field or discipline of the teacher’s certification. Parents may request information regarding whether the child is provided service by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Public Schools is committed to providing all children with opportunities to benefit from public education and is dedicated to providing a continuum of programs and services to ensure a successful educational program for students with disabilities, ages 2 through 21. Each special education student’s progress is reviewed at least yearly and his/her need for special services is re-evaluated at a minimum of every three years according to federal and state law. Special education programs and services are provided by trained personnel in the
following areas: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, developmental delay, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, emotional disability, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury or visual impairment including blindness. Floyd County Public Schools also offers an array of supportive services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy for eligible students to enable them to benefit from special education services.
personnel. The student ready for gifted educational services in Math or English will exhibit unusual performance capabilities beyond age-level and experience- level peers, capabilities such as intellectual drive, exceptional problem solving, mastery of concepts, complex use of language, penetrating levels of awareness and understanding, and exceptional resourcefulness and creativity. These capabilities will be identified through a norm-referenced assessment, and one or more of the following: teacher and parent checklists of rating scales, assessment of student products/portfolios, documented anecdotal evidence, and other valid and reliable measures such as standardized ability and achievement assessments. The division does not allow any single criterion to deny or
guarantee access to gifted services. In order to serve the affective and effective needs of the gifted student, the main focus on the programs for the gifted in Floyd County is to provide support for highly engaging, inquiry and project-based instruction in the regular classroom and to extend learning opportunities beyond those in the regular curriculum. Special Education refers to specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Floyd County
Floyd County Schools recognizes and identifies students K-12 who demonstrate outstanding and exceptional aptitude in English and Mathematics requiring special programs to meet their educational needs. These students of varying backgrounds and experiences will be identified by professionally qualified
Each school will notify parents annually regarding the academic and career guidance and personal/social counseling programs which are available to their children. The notification will include the purpose and general description of the programs, information regarding ways parents may review materials to be used in guidance and counseling programs at their child’s school and information about the procedures by which parents may limit their child’s participation in such programs.
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