Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
Courses having an End-of-Course test will not be required to have a final exam, although the EOC test score will be calculated into a final exam grade. If displeased with the calculation, the student may opt to take the teacher- generated final exam in order to improve their final grade. After the End-of- Course test, teachers will continue to cover additional material and must give a final test or project to be included in the 2 nd nine weeks grade. The grading model will be the same as above.
High School: Report cards will go home at the end of each nine week grading period. If satisfactory progress is not being made, students are urged to request a conference with the teacher and/or the guidance counselor to assist them in suggesting methods to follow to improve their work. Parents are also urged to come to the school for conferences when the student’s work is not satisfactory. There will be conference dates scheduled throughout the school year. Student averages will be computed on a “weighted 4.0 grade point average” system with the students receiving points as follows: Regular Classes Weighted Classes A = 4 A = 5 B = 3 B = 4 C = 2 C = 3 D = 1 D = 2 F = 0 F = 0 Classes eligible for weighted GPA will be: 1. Honors Classes 2. Dual Enrollment 3. Advanced Placement (AP) Classes 4. Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus 5. Biology II, Human Anatomy, Physiology and Chemistry II 6. Art Studio
1. All high school courses for high school credit which do not have an End-of- Course test must give a comprehensive final exam worth 20% of the grade. The grading model will be as follows: a. 1 st Nine Weeks 40% b. 2 nd Nine Weeks 40% c. Final Exam 20%
Virtual (on-line) AP or Dual Enrollment courses taken during the summer months may add to the college transcript, but will not count toward the high school GPA calculations unless approved prior to enrolling by the school administration. Refer to classes eligible for grades to be used in GPA calculations above. Exam Guidelines for High School A. Based on End-of-Course Tests
File: IKAB (05/14)
GRADING EVALUATION / REPORTING TO PARENTS Schools shall maintain communication with parents to inform them of their child’s instructional goals set forth by state and local standards. Teachers may include a variety of assessments such as: tests, quizzes, class work, homework, projects, etc. to determine students’ progress. Grades should not be a measure of a student’s disruptive behavior or any disciplinary problems. Report Card Scale Students will be evaluated as follows: Kindergarten – 2 nd Grade The skill-based scale is as follows: S - Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement progress through report cards, progress reports, parent/teacher conferences, and parent portal. The grading system is used to evaluate students’ performance in meeting
N – Needs Improvement (Student demonstrates skill less than 50% of the time.) P – Progressing (Student demonstrates skill 50%-79% of the time.) M – Meets Standard (Student demonstrates skill 80%-100% of the time.) E – Exceeds Standard (Student demonstrates skill above grade level.) 3 rd Grade -12 th Grade The academic grading scale is as follows: Report Card Distribution Kindergarten:
A……………………………….Excellent 90 -100 B………………………………. Above Average 80 - 89 C…………………….…………Average 70 - 79 D…………………….…………Below Average 60 - 69 F…………………….………….Failing 0 - 59
Report cards will go home at the end of each nine week grading period. Teachers will provide a progress report and plan to meet with parents the week after report cards are sent home. 1 st - 7 th Grade:
Report cards will go home at the end of each nine week grading period. Teachers will plan to meet with parents the week after report cards are sent home. Progress reports are available mid nine week periods and can be accessed online or parents may notify the teacher if they want a paper copy. No skill based or achievement grades will be given for elementary art, music or physical education. Elementary band students will receive achievement grades.
Elementary schools (grades K-7) will evaluate citizenship/work habits using the following criteria:
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