Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
File: IKEB-R (07/13)
A student in eighth grade is required to successfully complete five subjects, of which two must be Mathematics, English or Physical Science. In addition, an eighth grade student is required to participate in one semester of information technology fundamentals. Students who are not promoted to ninth grade must repeat all eighth grade subjects. Students repeating eighth grade may be promoted to ninth grade at any semester change. Any student who does not pass any of the Standards of Learning assessments in grade eight must be required to attend a summer school program or to participate in another form of remediation. Any student who passes one or more, but not all, of the Standards of Learning assessments in grade eight may be required to attend a remediation program. Eighth grade SOL test results will be used as part of a set of multiple criteria to determine program sequencing and/or course options at Floyd County High School. Grades 9 - 12 Promotion to 10 th grade - 6 credits earned Promotion to 11 th grade - 12 credits earned Promotion to 12 th grade - 18 credits earned
A Student Intervention Team consisting of a building administrator, a guidance
counselor, a student’s current classroom or subject area teacher(s), a student’s parents(s), and other staff members, as deemed necessary, shall meet to discuss a student’s progress when it is determined that he/she is experiencing difficulties. This team shall plan possible interventions and ultimately, if necessary, determine promotion or retention. The classroom teacher will be responsible for calling and chairing the Student Intervention Team. Promotion or retention will be based on a set of multiple criteria including the following: Grades K-7 Intervention(s) used Previous retention Attendance and effort to make up missed days Grades/SOL mastered Virginia assessment ESL status Special education status Student attributes Parent communication and involvement
To be eligible to graduate, students must be enrolled in senior level classes. Students completing requirements in summer school will not be permitted to participate in graduation exercises during the current year, but may participate the following year.
Any student who does not pass any of the Standards of Learning assessments in grades three through seven must be required to attend a summer school program or to participate in another form of remediation. Any student who passes one or more, but not all, of the Standards of Learning assessments in grades three through seven may be required to attend a remediation program. Grade 8
3. Courses that are specifically for 8 th grade students, which are not counted for high school credit, do not have final exams worth 20% of the grade.
5. If a student who is otherwise exempt chooses to take the exam, the resulting grade will not negatively affect the student’s final grade. C. The current attendance policy states that accumulating more than 10 absences in a class during a semester results in automatic failure, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students may appeal losing credits due to attendance.
4. Students exempt from exams will be excused from class to do either of the following: a. Do not attend school during the class exam period. b. Attend a study hall to prepare for the next exam, or a planned activity by the administration.
a. an A average and a maximum of four (4) days absent per class b. a B average and a maximum of three (3) days absent per class
2. Students enrolled in a dual enrollment, AP, or Virtual Virginia course may be required to take a final exam by the instructor for course completion. 3. Students will still be required to take End-of-Course SOL tests. The exemption only applies to the final exam.
B. Any student may be exempt from a final exam in each class upon meeting specific grade and absence policy conditions. 1. The student must meet the following criteria without exception:
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