Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
File: IKB (04/14)
regularly fails to complete assigned work. Teachers should not avoid giving homework because they believe students will not do the work. 7. Excessive homework, like the absence of homework, should be avoided. 8. Homework should not be used for disciplinary purposes.
5. Homework should be evaluated promptly and returned to the student. Appropriate rewards should be given to those students who successfully complete assigned work. Effort and competency should be recognized and rewarded. 6. Teachers should seek to determine the causes if a student
9. Teachers and administrators should take appropriate steps to communicate with parents regarding the division's homework policy and to solicit their support.
3. Homework should serve a valid purpose and be closely related to classroom activities. 4. A student's access to resource materials should be considered when making assignments.
Guidelines for homework include: 1. Homework should be assigned after introduction and thorough explanation of the skills necessary to successfully complete the assignment. 2. Homework should be assigned in such a manner that it will be clearly understood by all students.
GUIDELINES FOR HOMEWORK & PROJECT BASED LEARNING Homework provides an essential communication link between the school and the home. One measure of a program or course is the quality of the work done at
home by the student. A strong home-school partnership, with many lasting benefits for the individual student and the student’s family, can be greatly enhanced by a sound program of homework. In addition, homework and project based learning is an important tool in developing critical and creative thinking, communication skills when presenting collaboration, and student self-direction and academic monitoring. It assists the student in developing good work habits and in the wise use of time.
File: IGBE
The School Board shall implement programs of prevention, intervention or remediation for students who are educationally at risk, including those who fail to achieve a passing score on any
Standard of Learning assessment in grades three through eight, or who fail an end-of-course test required for the award of a verified unit of credit. Such programs shall include components that are research based.
Any student who achieves a passing score on one or more, but not all, of the Standards of Learning assessments for the relevant grade level in grades three through eight may be required to attend a remediation program.
Any student who fails to achieve a passing score on all of the Standards of Learning assessments for the relevant grade level in grades three through eight or who fails an end-of-course test
required for the award of a verified unit of credit shall be required to attend a remediation program or to participate in another form of remediation. Such summer school program or other form of remediation shall be chosen by the school division to be appropriate to the academic needs of the student.
The requirement for remediation may, however, be satisfied by the student’s attendance in a program of prevention, intervention or remediation which has been selected by his parent, in consultation
with the Superintendent or designee, and is either (i) conducted by an accredited private school or (ii) a special program which has been determined to be comparable to the required public school remediation program by the Division Superintendent. The costs of such private school remediation program or other special remediation program shall be borne by the student’s parent.
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