Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
For the Modified Standard Diploma, courses completed to satisfy the mathematics
requirement shall include content from among applications of algebra, geometry, personal
finance, and statistics in courses that have been approved by the Board. Courses to satisfy the
science requirement shall include content from at least two of the
following: applications of earth science, biology, chemistry, or
physics in courses approved by the Board. In history and social
science, students must earn one unit of credit in U.S. and Virginia History and one unit of credit in U.S. and Virginia Government in
courses approved by the Board. If the student takes a course that has an end‐of‐course test as a
part of the student’s program of studies, the student must take the test.
The Modified Standard Diploma is only available for students that entered the ninth grade for the first time prior to the 2013‐2014 school year. The Standard Diploma with Accommodations is available for any student with a disability, but is required for students with disabilities that enter the ninth grade for the first time in 2013‐2014. Eligibility and participation in either program shall be determined by the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) team and the student, where appropriate, at any point after the student’s eighth grade year.
For the Standard Diploma with Accommodations, students must successfully complete three standard credits in mathematics that include Algebra I and Geometry and one verified credit in mathematics. For science, students must successfully complete three standard credits in science that include Earth Science and Biology and one verified credit in science. For history and social science, students must successfully complete three standard credits in history and social science that include Virginia and U.S. History and Virginia and U.S. Government and one verified credit in history and social science.
Standard Diploma Units of Credits Class of 2015 + Verified Credits Class of 2015 + English 4 2 4 2 Standard Diploma Verified Credits Class of 2015 + Units of Credits Class of 2015 + Mathematics 3 1 4 2 Science 3 1 4 2 Health/Physical Education 2 2 Econ. And Personal Finance 1 1 Electives/student selected 4 1 3 1 Totals 22 6 26 9 *Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include three years of one language or two years of two languages. Fine Arts or Practical Arts 1 Foreign Lang., Fine Arts or CTE 2 History/Social Science 3 1 4 2 Foreign Language 3
Adv Studies Diploma
Adv Studies Diploma
Prior to 2018‐2019
High School Graduation Requirements for First Time Ninth Grader
Beginning with the graduating class of 2014‐2015 (ninth graders in 2011‐2012), a student must complete additional or different units of credit to earn a Standard or an Advanced Studies diploma. Twenty‐two units of credit are required for the Standard diploma. An additional credit of Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or CTE is required, as well as an Economics and Personal Finance credit, which lowers the electives to four credits. Twenty‐six units of credit (changed from twenty‐four) will be required for the Advanced Studies diploma. The additional two credits are for Economics and Personal Finance and an extra elective course. The SOA sets the number of standard units of credit and verified units of credit that are required for the Standard and Advanced Studies diploma as follows: Subject
In addition, certain courses must be taken to satisfy the standard unit of credit requirements. For the Standard diploma the mathematics credits must include two credits from among Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or higher and the science credits must include three credits from among Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry or higher. For the Advanced Studies diploma the mathematics credits must include three credits from among Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or another mathematics course above the level of Algebra II and the science credits must include three credits from among Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
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