Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
All school nutrition departments use a computerized system called “Café Enterprise” for collecting monies in the cafeteria. This procedure allows each student to establish a prepaid account that may be used for lunch and breakfast payments, as well as for any “a la carte” purchases. In order to use this account, a student must “key” in his/her personally assigned 4‐digit ID number into keypads in the serving line. Most often this number will be the last 4 digits of the student’s school‐assigned ID number. Parents/Students may add to their account at any time. A record of each child’s purchases is kept on a daily basis, which is a benefit to parents as well as the school nutrition service staff. This system will keep students’ meal status (paid, free or reduced) in strictest confidence. You can monitor your child’s lunchroom account and make payments online through www.myschoolbucks.com . This program shows balances and what the students have purchased through their lunchroom accounts. There is a $2.50 website transaction fee when payments are made on‐line. If there are several children in the family, one transaction can be made and a notice to the cafeteria manager can distribute between student accounts. Free or reduced priced meals are provided for eligible students according to USDA regulations. Information and application forms to determine eligibility for these benefits are available from your school principal or can be downloaded from our website http://www.floyd.k12.va.us/administration/food‐services . Applications may be completed online at www.MySchoolApps.com Students who are eligible for free or reduced meals are encouraged to eat both breakfast and lunch. Previous year eligibilities carry over for 30 operating days into each new school year. We look forward to welcoming your children to the cafeteria this fall. To see our menus and find out more about Floyd County healthy school meals check out the website at www.floydcountyschoolnutritionservices.com Thank you! THERE WILL BE A CHARGE LIMIT OF $10.00 PER STUDENT. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGES FOR “A LA CARTE” ITEMS ALLOWED. Please refer to School Board Policy JHCH‐R found on our website at http://www.floyd.k12.va.us If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact Pam Harris at 745‐9487. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Breakfast Prices Lunch Prices Ala Carte Prices Elementary $0.80 $2.25 Milk $0.40 Breakfast Grain/Protein Item $1.00 Secondary $0.80 $2.35 Juice $0.40 Extra Lunch Entrée Item $1.75 Reduced $0.30 $0.40 Small Water $0.50 Vegetable/Fruit/Yogurt $0.75 Adult $1.25 $3.00 Large Water $1.00
Floyd County School’s cafeterias meet federal nutrition standards for school meals, ensuring that meals are healthy and well‐balanced and provide students all the nutrition they need to succeed at school. Now is a great time to encourage your kids to choose school lunch! The Healthy, Hunger‐Free Kids Act of 2010 requires that all school meals offer students low fat milk, fruits and vegetables, proteins and grains, and they must meet strict limits on saturated fat, sodium and calories. Only a reasonable amount of condiments will be allowed with the purchase of meals. We’re always working to offer Floyd County students healthier and tastier choices. We offer fresh local produce when it is available.
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