Depaul Expressions Vol XXII-2

Give a Gift from the Heart this Holiday Season

Together, we have changed lives in 2024. Your year-end gift will make the difference in accomplishing incredible things in 2025.

Here are examples, taken from real Bridge to Hope requests, of how your donation can make a lasting impact:

❤ $40 will provide a young child and her family with insurance for her special eyeglasses that help her see the world around her more clearly. ❤ $70 will provide a weighted therapy blanket for a young child in foster care so he can sleep comfortably in his new surroundings and feel more secure. ❤ $100 will cover the cost of books for community college for a young adult that grew up in foster care and now is part of DePaul’s Independent Living program. ❤ $250 can cover the expensive insurance copayment for a family that needs emergency intervention and therapy for a foster child in their home. ❤ $300 can help a family afford the supplies they need to build a wheelchair ramp so they can welcome an individual with a disability into their home.

There is more work in the coming year and many more in need of hope and belonging. With you by our side, we are ready. Thank you for your continued support.

Blessings of love, happiness, and health to you and yours this holiday season.

To make an impactful year-end gift to DePaul Community Resources, please find the envelope enclosed or visit

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