Depaul Expressions Vol XXII-2

Pursuing Passions in a World of Opportunity Story by Alison Wickline-Burns | Photos by Carla Funk Photography

The world does not always welcome individuals with disabilities. Many times, they lack opportunities to be involved in their communities, to connect with others, to pursue passions, or to reach their full potential. But the importance of making these opportunities possible cannot be understated. When individu als with disabilities are free to follow their dreams, magic happens. Meet Alli. Most weeks you can find her at The Barns at Blue Mountain, where she is an integral part of the Blue Mountain Equine Therapy program. Alli loves horses—loves grooming them, riding them, caring for them, and competing in shows with them. They keep her calm and give her comfort. At Blue Mountain, she serves as the equine therapy program ambassador. “Alli takes great pride in her involvement with Blue MountainTherapy,” said Tish Jackson, executive director of Blue Mountain Therapy. “She whole heartedly engages in various activities, including assisting with fundraisers and offering her expertise during services.”

This is Alli’s passion, and DePaul is grateful to walk alongside Alli and her family as she pursues it. In 2020, Alli’s parents, Michael and Anna, heard about DePaul’s sponsored residential program for the first time. They immediately embraced the opportunity, hoping it would provide Alli support, connection, and a sense of community. “We are very grateful to be part of the sponsored residential program and only wish we had become part of DePaul sooner,” said Anna. DePaul staff members say working with Alli has been a joy, and they have loved watching her grow and excel, especially in the equine therapy program. “Whether Alli is pursuing her passions or partici pating in causes close to her heart, Alli approaches every endeavor with positive energy and unwavering dedication, inspiring those around her to embrace life with the same enthusiasm,” said Lisa, regional manager of residential services. When you donate to DePaul, you ensure individu als with disabilities like Alli are welcomed with oppor tunities in their communities and have the support and foundation they need to follow their dreams.

“Whether Alli is pursuing her passions or participating in causes close to her heart, Alli approaches every endeavor with positive energy and unwavering dedication, inspiring those around her to embrace life with the same enthusiasm.”


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