Corps Review Spring 2018
ditions discussed previously. Overall, the event was a huge success and truly embodied the spirit of brotherhood that the Marine Corps is known for. S E N I O R D I N I N G - I N By Midshipman Hanna Kobayashi’19 On April 13, the seniors and fifth-years in battalion held their annual Senior Dining-In at the German Club Manor. Senior Dining-In is designed to boost camaraderie within the senior and fifth-year classes, and it congratulates the midship- men who are commissioning on all their hard work in a formal setting. Cocktail hour began at 5 p.m., and, during that time, many of the midshipmen had the opportunity to talk to the guest speaker, Vice Adm. David Architzel (retired). The meal began at the end of cocktail hour, when every- body marched to their seats. Midshipman Quinton Cookis ’18 served as Mr. President and opened the floor for fining, once the food was served. Fining is an opportunity for midship- men to roast each other and make each other pay their dues for prior actions with a dollar fine and a drink from the grog. After the fining period was over, the midshipmen gave various toasts throughout the dinner, and the guest speaker delivered his remarks to the midshipmen. At the end of the
night, the seniors and fifth-years had one last hurrah together and then dismissed. Everyone who attended agreed that the event was a huge success. FA R EWE L L , L I E U T E N A N T S Lt. Michael May ’10 transferred to the unit in July 2016. He served as the Alpha Company advisor, nuclear programs officer, NUCSOC advisor, academics officer, summer cruise coordinator, funeral honors coordinator, and the informa- tion systems officer. He additionally earned a master’s degree in nuclear engineering during his tour of duty. His next as- signment will be attending the Submarine Officer Advanced Course in Groton, Connecticut, in preparation for assignment as a department head in September. He will be greatly missed. Fair winds and following seas! Lt. Chet Fearon transferred to the unit in May 2015. He served as the Charlie Company advisor, recruiting officer, and command fitness leader, among other responsibilities. He addi- tionally earned a master’s degree in human systems integration from the Naval Postgraduate School during his tour of duty. His next assignment will be as a “shooter” on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower out of Norfolk, Virginia. Fearon and his mus- tache will be greatly missed. Fair winds and following seas!
Of the 18 ROTC students chosen to train as U.S. Navy SEALs this year, four are from the Virginia Tech Corps of Ca- dets and the Naval ROTC. Another six Hokies are among the 53 men and women nationwide to begin the rigorous SEAL selection process. In fact, in the last two years no ROTC program in the country has had more students selected for SEAL training than Virginia Tech. A seventh cadet was accepted as a candidate for the Navy’s specialized Explosive Ordinance Disposal program. Successful technicians are trained to disarm improvised explosive devices, neutralize chemical threats, and render safe nuclear weapons.
SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land teams) are the Navy’s most elite special operations force. Candidates come from the Navy’s Officer Candidate School, the U.S. Naval Academy, the Navy’s ROTC programs at 166 colleges and universities across the country, and from applicants already serving with naval units. Between 40 and 50 ROTC applicants are selected for SEAL Officer Assess- ment Selection each summer. From those candidates, only half will continue to the next year’s Basic Underwater De- molition School . The 11 cadets selected for training are members of the Naval Special Preparato- ry Team, a small specialty group within the corps and the Naval ROTC.
The students’ success is a testament to their character and dedication to train- ing and to a program that is growing stronger every year, said Capt. Michael Fisher, Commanding Officer of Naval ROTC. Midshipmen train in the War Memorial Gym pool.
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