Corps Review Spring 2018
Cadets Kavlin Yuan ’21, Justin Clipson ’20, and Antonio Marrero ’19 carry Cadet Logan Zook ’17 during the self aid buddy care exercise at the spring Air Force Training Exercise.
By Cadet Sydney Tinker ’20
This past year has been an extremely rigorous but reward- ing time for Air Force ROTC Detachment 875. This semester our wing commander, Cadet John Gogal ’18, challenged the wing to achieve an average of a 97 on the physi- cal fitness assessment taken in February. The wing proved itself by scoring a 96.1 which ranked us fifth out of 145 detach- ments across the nation, even though we are the sixth largest detachment in the country! In addition, Detachment 875 was honored to have Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright speak to the cadets about the future of the Air Force. We have had an amazing opportunity this year to hear from many other outstanding speakers including, Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II ’83, Brig. Gen. Billy D. Thompson, and Brig. Gen. Stephen L. Davis. Also, the cadets organized two major training events, War-
rior Day and Air Force Training Exercise, the second being a two-day event at the nearby Radford Army Ammunition Plant. Both events were very successful, and the dedicated ef- forts of the upperclassmen have made sure the current sopho- more class is ready to head to field training this summer and show the rest of the country that Detachment 875 is the best alive! To wrap up the year, the detachment held a Combat Dining In underneath Lane Stadium, making a hanger-like atmo- sphere for this fun morale event. We were honored to have Air Force Lt. Col. Don Russell (retired), the Corps of Ca- dets’ Citizen-Leader Track deputy commandant, as our guest speaker. Thanks to the support of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Detachment 875 was able to send cadets to an array of leadership conferences at the Citadel, the Air
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