Corps Review Spring 2018


Major events for the Naval ROTC this past semester included Senior Dining-In, at left, and Raider Mess Night, at right.


N O T R E D AM E L E A D E R S H I P C O N F E R E N C E By Midshipman Madison Howell ’19

nizing and practicing some of the Marine Corps’ traditions to pay respect to the Marines that have come before the current Raiders. The event gave the Raiders the opportunity to gather and socialize with their brothers and sisters in the company. Mem- bers of the mess arrived early for a social hour and then were marched into the mess hall. Upon taking their seats, they were served dinner and dessert. After the meal, they conducted a fining period. It was an opportunity for Raiders to poke fun at and punish one another for prior actions by means of a small monetary fine or a drink from the grog, a mystery substance assembled by the vice president of the mess. After the fining period was over, the Raiders took the op- portunity to pay respects to past and present Marines by means of toasts. The toasts honor Marines as far back as the Revolu- tionary War and as recent as the Marines currently deployed. After the toasts were completed, the Raiders were privi- leged to hear some brief comments from the guest of honor, dismissed, and gathered outside for additional socializing. One of the truly unique traditions of the Raider Company Mess Night is that each year, the senior midshipmen who are graduating are permitted to invite their fathers to attend the event so that they may see and partake in many of the tra-

Five Virginia Tech midshipmen, along with Lt. Michael May ‘10 traveled to Notre Dame University on Feb. 8 for the 23rd annual Naval Leadership Weekend. The theme for the weekend was “One Team, One Fight,” and it emphasized the combined efforts of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps to defend our country. The midshipmen were able to listen and ask questions to several excellent and inspir- ing leaders, including Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Steven Giordano, Sgt. Maj. Donna Dunbar, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and the co-founder of Keurig. At the end of the weekend, the Notre Dame midshipmen led discussions on ethics and featured a junior officer panel. After the weekend, the midshipmen were able to take the advice and suggestions from the speakers and bring them back to share with their fellow shipmates.

R A I D E R M E S S N I G H T By Midshipman Ian Campbell ’18

On March 16, members of Raider Company gathered at the German Club Manor to hold their annual Mess Night. It is considered a formal gathering with the purpose of recog-

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