Corps Review Spring 2018

to a group of 300 cadets from across the nation about the many lessons they have learned over their careers in the Army. They shared advice they wish they had known when they first commissioned and gave tips on how to be successful second lieutenants. We learned from first-hand accounts about the battles of Thunder Run and Najaf and the takeaways each leader had from both of those successful opera- tions. The focus of the conference was on emotional in- telligence, which is the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and in others and to use them to guide be- havior and influence others. The Army has realized the importance of this topic for leadership success, so as future Army leaders, we were taught ways to employ the concept of emotional intelligence during our careers. The experience of attending the George C. Marshall Conference assisted me immensely in my professional development and made me eager for the opportunity to commission into the Army and lead soldiers in the very near future. T H E B I G E V E N T AT V I R G I N I A T E C H The Big Event is a student-run volunteer event that happens once a year, and this year’s took place April 8. This event allows the student body of Vir- ginia Tech to connect with area residents and give back to the community by doing various service projects. Fifty-five of our Army cadets jumped at the chance to help local residents, demonstrating what Army ROTC is all about, namely service before self. Cadets worked on four projects, one of which had cadets working on a farm where they did things such as tearing down old fencing, stacking firewood, and other small tasks that would have taken weeks. The farm owner was impressed by the cadets’ dedication and positive attitude. Thanks to the ca- dets’ help, he would be able to start laying his corn seed a whole month earlier. Through The Big Event, our cadets were able to serve the community and build trust with the American people. Ut Prosim!

Fifty-five Army cadets volunteered with The Big Event at Virginia Tech this spring. The goal of the student-run community service effort is to say thank you to the community, and it is the second-largest of its kind in the nation.

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