Corps Review Spring 2018


Still going strong, Army ROTC proudly commissioned 76 new lieutenants this year, 68 of whom commissioned on May 11, three this past December, and five more will join the ranks this summer.

ARMY ROTC NEWS Army ROTC cadets had plenty of op- portunities to learn through experiences this semester.

Raymond Odierno and Gen. Robert Caslen, as well as civilian leaders such as Christian Picciollini and Trisha Prabhu. Although I learned a great deal of life and leadership lessons, the one I would like to offer is the idea that ethics cannot be clearly defined or quantified. Throughout the conference, we discussed definitions and approaches to ethics. Although many of them were strong definitions and held a great deal of truth, not one definition could deliver you the entire message in one sentence. I have come to believe, vague as it may seem, ethics are a commitment that must come from the heart and are rooted in the specific beliefs that each

individual deems to be the most im- portant. Ethics are the commitment to choose the harder right over the easier wrong in every situation, no matter the consequences. G E O R G E C . MA R S H A L L The George C. Marshall Conference took place over four days at Fort Leav- enworth, Kansas, at the Command and General Staff College. Countless amazing Army leaders, in- cluding Maj. Gen. Christopher Hughes, Lt. Gen. Patricia Horoho, Lt. Gen. Mark Twitty, and Gen. David Perkins, spoke C O N F E R E N C E By Cadet Brian Kehs ’18

N AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E O N E T H I C S I N AM E R I C A By Cadet Michael Marino ’19 My experience attending the Na- tional Conference on Ethics in America at West Point was both surprising and enlightening. There were a variety of speak- ers there who provided an even wider variety of ideas on questions ranging from what ethics actually are to their role in society. These speakers included renowned military leaders such as Gen.

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