Corps Review Spring 2018

Regimental Association plaque and a certificate of achievement for excel- lence. Family and friends attending the graduation included her husband, Jesse Coyner ’12 , and their daughter, Anna. n n n Tristan Davey ’14 graduated Air Force Officer Training School in spring 2017 and is stationed at the 28th Op- erational Weather Squadron at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, as a weather officer. n n n

Virginia Tech. Lesson learned from this: Always carry a Virginia Tech flag with you on deployment, just in case. n n n

Lt. Leah Roberts ’17 , at left, and Lt. Nick McLernon ’17 , both in training at Tyndall Air Force Base, show their Hokie pride during McLernon’s call sign night. n n n

This picture was taken at Camp Casey, South Korea, shortly after Lt. Cmdr. David Diaz ’98 , at left, promot- ed Brett Romig ’16 to first lieutenant. Both Highty-Tighties, Diaz is Romig’s battalion commander and says he is “the prime example of the moral and ethical leader that the VTCC produces.” n n n

From left, Gregory Milhiser ’17 , Nicholas Gude ’17 , Benjamin Pad- dock ’17 , and Zachery Scott ’17 com- plete the 5-month-long Army Armor Officer Basic Training Course at Fort Benning, Georgia. Submit your deployments, job and rank changes, awards and honors, family announcements, photos, and other news at

Former Highty-Tighty Drum Major Alex Granata ’15 , at right, was pro- moted to first lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Granata is the executive officer for the Headquarters Battery, 3rd Bat- talion, 13th Field Artillery, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Lt. Col. Charles Payne, deputy commandant for 3rd Battalion, presided. n n n Lt. Luke Forand ’15 ran into Maj. Erikson McCleary ’06 at Camp Dahl- ke, Afghanistan. McCleary was one of Forand’s Army ROTC instructors at

U.S. Army 1st Lt. Wes Russell ’16, at left, and U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. Evan Patoray ’16 are deployed to an undis- closed location in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.

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