Corps Review Spring 2018


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Lt. Jessica Luehrs, ’10 , at left, stands with Lt. Ashlee Goodwin VT’10 in Honduras during Operation Con- tinuing Promise. n n n

Kristen Meister ’07 , at left, greeted cadets taking a tour of the White House. She has held a variety of assign- ments with the Department of Defense and is currently the senior duty officer in the White House Situation Room. n n n

Don Sowder ’59 and wife, Mary, at right, meet Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart and wife, Kathy, at a recent Ut Prosim Society event in Washington, D.C. 1 9 8 0 s

Maj. Gen. Tracy A. Thompson, at right, chief of staff for the U.S. Army Reserve Command headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, delivers the Oath of Commissioned Officers to newly promoted Maj. Gen. Kenneth H. “Ritche” Moore ’85 . Moore, special assistant to the commander at U.S. Africa Command based in Stuttgart, Germany, pinned on his second star in a small ceremony. (U.S. Army Photo)

Lt. Ethan Yelverton ’13 , at left, and Ensign Leland Remias VT’17 aboard the USS Forrest Sherman. Yelverton is the antisubmarine warfare officer, and Remias is the electrical officer. n n n Capt. Catherine Coyner ’13 , at right, was named distinguished honor graduate of the Chemical, Biologi- cal, Radiological and Nuclear School’s Captains Career Course on April 6. Coyner also received a Chemical Corps

From left, U.S. Navy Lt. Nate Whitelaw VT’10, Lt. Bryan Glock ’09 , and Lt. Chris Lester ’10 gradu- ated from the Submarine Officer Advanced Course at Groton, Connecti- cut. Whitelaw is going to the U.S.S. Maryland as a navigator, Glock to the U.S.S. Maine as the weapons officer, and Lester to the U.S.S. Louisiana as an engineer.

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