Activities Guide May-Aug 2020


Date:_____________________ Name of Responsible Person/Party:__________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________ Email address:_ ______________________________________________ Address:_ ___________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________ State:_________ Zip:____________________ Date(s) of Requested Reservation:___________________________ Time:___________ to ______________ Number of People Attending?____________ Reason for Reservation (Describe in detail):_ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Facility to be Reserved:  Shelter  Softball Field  Baseball Field Will there be an admission fee, ticket sale or charge in connection with this event?  Yes  No

Do you/your party plan to have more than 100 people at this event?  Yes  No (If yes, please complete the special events addendum and include with this application)


• The shelter can be reserved in 6-hour increments, or for the day. Times available are 9AM-2PM, or 2PM-8PM. We cannot break the reservation up into other hours. • The fee for a half day will be $30, a full day will be $50. Bathrooms will be open, and trashcans provided. • Each rental requires a $25 clean-up deposit to be refunded dependent on each facility inspection. • The ball fields (softball or baseball) can be reserved in 6-hour increments, or for the day. Times available are 9AM- 2PM or 2PM-8PM. We cannot break the reservation up into other hours. • The fee for a non-money-making event shall be: half day will be $40, a full day will be $70. • If used for a tournament, the fee will be $85, per field, for a whole day. This includes restrooms and the fields being lined once.

• Each rental requires a $25 reservation deposit to be refunded dependent on each facility inspection. • The applicant(s) and their party will be responsible for the clean up and correct usage of the available trash receptacles. • The applicant(s) and their party will be held monetarily responsible for any damages incurred during their usage of any facility they choose to rent. • Cancellations (for rain or otherwise) will result in a full refund, if given at least 24 hours prior notice to your reservation. Please note that cancellations must be received in writing and hand delivered to Jacob Agee, or emailed at • Reservation deposit refunds will be sent via check through the County Treasury Department.”

209B FOX STREET NW  FLOYD, VA 24091  540.745.9363

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