Activities Guide May-Aug 2020

From the director

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The warming temperatures and longer days are sure signs that our old friend Summer is quickly coming upon us. Recreational baseball and softball are quickly drawing to an end of their season, and All-Star preparations are under way. Our newly created Department will be closing in on its first birthday!

As you read through this brochure (the first of its kind in Floyd County!), you will find the activities available for all members of your family. Is developing a healthy lifestyle on your mind? If so, please take advantage of our various educational classes and health screenings. Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, so be sure to check out our wellness classes as well. As the years and months go forward, we plan to continue implementing community enriching events and programming that fulfill the needs and wants of all citizens. In partnership with our community, we strive to deliver these programs in a personal, effective and innovative manner.” I am excited to spend this summer season here with you, in Floyd County. I look forward to maintaining the current recreational opportunities we currently offer, while also looking for ways we can better serve you and enhance your experiences in the future. The culture of our recreational community is quickly changing. We hope to have some big events in the future that you will all love.

Best wishes to each of you,

Jacob Agee Director i n d e x

5 Lightening Policy

1 Letter from the Director 2 General Information

6 Youth Community Recreation

10 Adult Community Recreation

3 4 Parks and Trails Facility Rental Form

14 Special Event Programming

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