Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Students wishing to major in Interdisciplinary Studies must be approved by their advisor before being accepted into the program. A prospectus of proposed courses must be approved by the advisor and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This prospectus must denote a clear central theme or purpose to the courses selected and be aimed at a specific learning outcome and not available among the existing major fields offered at Bluefield College. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION INT 3063 Learning & Research Skills (the online programs only) This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to experience the application of experiential teaching/learning methods while analyzing, exploring, and developing the core skills needed for academic success in the online program. These skills include, but are not limited to, the development of effective online and traditional research skills and the identification of college resources, as well as the development of strategies for: (a) reading; (b) managing time and stress; and (c) note-taking, studying, test-taking, and writing. Finally this course will emphasize the development of effective writing and style mechanics using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as the platform for written work-products. MODERN LANGUAGES (French, Spanish) A proficiency examination will aid the student in determining the language level he/ she should take, if he/she has studied language in high school. Otherwise, the student who plans to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree must start at the elementary level. Any students who have successfully passed four years of the same foreign language in high school will have their modern language requirement waived. The six semester hours must be made up in elective credit. FRENCH (FRE) FRE 1013 Beginning French I A beginning course in the fundamentals of speaking, listening, and reading the French lan- guage. Emphasis is on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and French culture. Students read simple texts and write short essays in French. The class is for students with no previ- ous training in the French language. This course does not count towards the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. FRE 1023 Beginning French II A continuation of FRE 1013. Expanded emphasis on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and French culture. Students read texts and write essays in French. Prerequisite: FRE 1013 or placement by exam. (On Demand) This course does not count towards the Bachelor of
Arts Modern Language Requirement. FRE 2013 Intermediate French I
A continuation of FRE 1023, with expanded study of French vocabulary, grammar, pro- nunciation and culture. Students read more complex texts and engage in more in-depth listening and conversation exercises. Prerequisite: FRE 1023 or placement by exam. (On Demand) This course completes three hours of the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement.
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