Academic Catalog 2018-2019
FRE 2023 Intermediate French II A continuation of FRE 2013 with more emphasis placed on conversation and reading of French texts. Prerequisite: FRE 2013 or placement by exam. (On Demand) This course completes the six hours of the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. FRE 4503 Special topics in French An investigation of specific topics in French language or culture. (On Demand) SPANISH (SPA) SPA 1013 Beginning Spanish I A beginning course in the fundamentals of speaking, listening, and reading the Spanish language. Emphasis is on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and Hispanic culture. Stu- dents read simple texts and write short essays in Spanish. The class is for students with no previous training in the Spanish language. (Every Fall). This course does not count towards the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. SPA 1023 Beginning Spanish II A continuation of SPA 1013. Expanded emphasis on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and Hispanic culture. Students read texts and write essays in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPA 1013 or placement by exam. (Every Spring). This course does not count towards the Bach- elor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. SPA 2013 Intermediate Spanish I A continuation of SPA 1023, with expanded study of Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pro- nunciation and culture. Students read more complex texts and engage in more in-depth listen- ing and conversation exercises. Prerequisite: SPA 1023 or placement by exam. (Every Fall) This course completes three hours of the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. SPA 2023 Intermediate Spanish II A continuation of SPA 2013 with more emphasis placed on conversation and reading of Spanish texts. Prerequisite: SPA 2013 or placement by exam. (Every Spring) This course completes the six hours of the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. SPA 2033 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish I & II in Panama SPA 2023 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish I & II SPA 2033 combines SPA 2013 and SPA 2023 course requirements in one summer semes- ter. Students will be able to concentrate on their speaking, writing, reading and listening skills during the four week course as they are immersed in the Spanish language as well as Panamanian society and culture. Upon successful completion, SPA 2033 counts towards the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. SPA 2033 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish II (2033) In Panama Students interested in fulfilling their six credit requirements in combination with a study aboard experience in Panama during the summer may register for this course. Prerequisite: SPA 1023 or equivalent. SPA 4503 Special topics in Spanish An investigation of specific topics in Hispanic language or culture. Topics vary according to demand and need.
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