Academic Catalog 2018-2019
primary emphasis of the course is the study of categories of mental disorders and their symptoms as well as possible causes and recommended treatments for specific disorders. Prerequisites: JR Standing. PSY 3083 Social Psychology (Same as SOC 3083) Social Psychology is a study of behavior in social contexts, including interpersonal at- traction, group dynamics, leadership, conformity, and a host of additional social psychology constructs and theories. It is the intent of this course to introduce the student to those variables and relationships that describe and even predict human behavior as influenced by the presence of others. PSY 3093 Social Research Methods for the Online Program only (same as CRJ/ HSE/SOC 3093) Social Research Methods introduces the tools and techniques of inquiry applied in the so- cial sciences. During the term the student will be exposed to the vocabulary, the generally accepted yet varied methods, and the potential sources of error associated with the investi- gation of social phenomena. We will discuss the constructs of sampling, measurement, research design, and data analysis as well as the very important process of forming a meaningful and rigorous research question. Such constructs as reliability, validity, error, etc. will be defined and made useful in the minds and actions of thoughtful scientists and citizens. PSY 4013 Tests and Measurements Tests and Measurements provides the student of behavioral sciences with a basic foun- dation in the components of psychological assessment. The course addresses basic psychological assessment concepts and develops an awareness of the variety of assess- ment instruments that are available. Students become familiar with the components of the assessment of personality and cognitive ability and discuss the professional and ethical standards and social issues in assessment. SOC 3153 Sociology of Work and Occupations Sociology of Work and Occupations addresses contemporary work issues including specialization, the impact of the technological revolution, rapidly changing roles of men and women at work, and the evolving nature of the global economy. Critical review of re- search findings based on studies of work, organizational structure and major occupational categories and worker traits will be emphasized. INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies. Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies. Requirements Students must declare an Interdisciplinary Studies Major in Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Arts before completing 75 semester hours. Major: At least three (3) different academic subject areas must be represented in the major by a minimum of 15 semester hours per area. A minimum of thirty-six (36) hours must be at the 3000-4000 level in at least two of the three concentrations. Hours beyond the 45 hours in the major are to be selected to enhance the major chosen and may be chosen from any area of curriculum.
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