Academic Catalog 2018-2019
12 SH
B. History Major - Core Requirements
(some of these satisfy General Education requirements) HIS 1033, 1043, 2013, 2023, 2603, 4603 C. Concentration (choose one)
30 SH
1. Historical Studies Concentration a. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48) b. History Major - Core Requirements (some of these satisfy General Education requirements) c. Concentration Requirements 6 hours 3000-4000 level American History 6 hours 3000-4000 level European/World History
18 hours of elective History courses (no more than 6 hours below 3000 level or outside of the History department with approval of the History Department Faculty)
2. Teacher Licensure History and Social Science 6-12 Concentration a. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48) b. History Major - Core Requirements (some of these satisfy General Education requirements) c. Concentration Requirements HIS 3193 Virginia History
HIS 4063 20th Century America HIS 4073 Early Modern Europe HIS 4093 Europe 1815-Present HIS 3023 History of American Government and Politics HIS 3093 Renaissance and Reformation 3 hours in History - Choose from HIS 3073, 3083, 3163, 4123, 4023 CST 3613 World Religions BUS 2513 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 hours - Choose from CRJ 3133 Minority Issues in Criminal Justice or SOC 3133 Minority Groups in America or PSY 3133 Minority Issues in Psychology d. Teacher Licensure Requirements (see Teacher Education Handbook)
D. Minor and Electives
26 SH 120 SH
II. History Minor
6 SH
HIS 1033 OR 1043 AND 2013 OR 2023
HIS Electives (from within the History area and at least 9 hours at 3000 level or above and taken at Bluefield)
12 SH 18 SH
For licensure in history and Social Science, see the Teacher Education Handbook .
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