Academic Catalog 2018-2019
HEALTH (HEA) Minor in Health: HEA 3413; HEA 3513; HEA 3523; HEA 4003; HEA 4503 and one course approved by ESS Department Chair selected from ESS, SOC; PSY, BIO; or CHM. Courses selected from Sociology, Psychology, or Exercise and Sport Science may be selected to replace one of the Health courses listed with permission of ESS Department Chair. If a student majoring in Exercise and Sport Science elects a minor in health, courses must be added to include courses not required in the major. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION HEA 2023 Health Psychology (Same as PSY 2023) This course will examine cognitive, behavioral, and biological approaches to health psychology. (On Demand) HEA 3413 Human Sexuality (Same as PSY/SOC 3413) This course examines the biological, social and personal aspects of human sexual identity and behavior. An examination will be made of sex education in the schools. (Fall) HEA 3513 Nutrition and Metabolism A study of the principles of nutrition and metabolism with emphasis given to understanding the role nutrition plays in the health and wellness of the individual. (On Demand) HEA 3523 Stress Management (Same as PSY/SOC 3523) This course examines the physiological, psychological, and interpersonal effects of stress. A variety of healthful coping mechanisms are identified with emphasis placed on students’ developing effective personal coping strategies. (On Demand) HEA 4003 Seminar in Drug and Health Education In-depth analysis of pharmacology, the drug user, and drug-related problems in our society. Emphasis is given to the teacher’s, coach’s, and athletic trainer’s role in assisting students and athletes in decision-making processes. (On Demand) HEA 4503 Special Topics in Health The student will engage in class instruction, research, and analysis of specific topics with a view to providing a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of such areas of concern. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (On Demand) HEBREW (HEB) See Biblical Languages, p. 86. HISTORY (HIS) The College offers a Bachelor of Arts with a major and minor in History. The courses introduce the student to history and the recorded progress of civilization. The instructional effort attempts to develop within the student the capacity for an honest and critical inquiry into the past. It also seeks to promote the highest development of Christian and democratic ideals and to encourage the proper application of them in society.
I. History Major A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48)
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