Academic Catalog 2017-2018
BLUEFIELD COLLEGE CORE PILLARS OF LEARNING BLUEFIELD CORE (COR) “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable or praiseworthy – if anything is admirable or praiseworthy – think on such things.” (Philippians 4:8) With these words in mind the College has very purposefully created its general education curriculum beginning with the mission statement above. The foundation of this curriculum is the Bluefield Core, a series of courses unique to Bluefield College. These courses are designed to invite students into this community where curiosity and wonder are celebrated. Students are encouraged to engage in sincere self-examination and begin to develop their personal sense of calling as well as identify and respond to the needs of the world. Finally, students are informed about the relationship among physical well-being, mental acuity, broad-based knowledge, and spiritual identity. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COR 1012 Invitation to Inquiry This course introduces the student to the community of inquiry represented by the faculty and students here at Bluefield and similar institutions around the world. Students are invit- ed into a reflective and thoughtful discussion about a host of intellectually stimulating and timely topics by the College’s faculty in hope that the innate desire to know and to wonder will be rekindled. Students meet in the aggregate once weekly in a Community Session and are introduced to a significant topic in one of the many disciplines that together define an institution of higher learning. Later in the week, students meet with faculty mentors in Discussion Sessions to reflect and probe meaningful paths illuminated by the Community Session presentation. (Fall) COR 2001 Personal Wellness Lab The lab portion of the course affords experiential and practical application of contempo- rary wellness theory and positive heath behaviors. Students assess, design and engage in preventative, holistic, and individualized health & fitness programs. The lab must be taken concurrently with COR 2002. (Offered Fall and Spring) COR 2002 Personal Wellness Study of health needs and current health problems for the individual and community de- signed to foster understanding of attitudes and skills needed to make choices leading to increased quality and quantity of life. Due to the physical, psychological and relational benefits that may result from this course, students are urged to enroll in their first year. (Offered Fall and Spring) COR 2012 Character Formation This course is designed to encourage students to cultivate personal character as they reflect on the lives of past and present transformational leaders and reflect upon their own gifts and their own sense of calling. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing. COR 3012 Civic and Global Response This course encourages students to explore their place in the world community, identify ways in which their actions can affect this community, and develop a personal response that contributes to the creation of social value. Students will be engaged with the efforts of local social organizations, while critically evaluating emerging social issues. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
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