Academic Catalog 2017-2018
imparting of a functional understanding of the legal rules and principles that are generally most relevant to communication professionals. (Alternate Years, Fall) COM 4013 Media Ethics An examination of the process involved in developing a meaningful understanding of the ethics of the professions of journalism and mass communications. The course seeks to help the student develop a framework for making ethical judgments using a systematic approach to moral reasoning that combines ethical theory with the practice of ethics as encountered This course allows students the opportunity to engage in hands-on management of the col- lege student newspaper. It will address the specific and unique needs of managing a media organization; in particular those writing skills needed to organize an ongoing operation and to manage a large staff. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Approval. (On demand) COM 4113 Internet Marketing (Same as BUS 4113) This course provides an introduction to internet marketing, framing the market opportunity, marketing strategy in internet marketing, drafting the customer interface, designing the marketing program, branding, pricing, promotion, public relations, designing the market space matrix and evaluating the marketing program. (On Demand) COM 4123 Seminar in Communication This course (along with COM 4143 Senior Project) is designed as a capstone experience for the major. Reading, reflection and discussions are used for in-depth examinations of current practices, policies and theories relating to journalism. Students select topics and complete literature reviews that relate to their senior projects. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (Fall) COM 4143 Senior Project The student will engage in class instruction, research, and analysis of specific topics with a view to providing a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of such areas of concern. Also, senior project required of each major. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing (Spring) ART/COM 4723 Designing for Graphic Customers (Max 12 credits) Advanced training in development and execution of creative strategies and designs based on client needs using multiple software platforms. Prerequisite: ART/COM 1723 (Photo- shop/Illustrator). This can be a repeated class. (Every Year) COM 4503 Special Topics in Communication The student will engage in class instruction, research, and writing projects to develop ex- pertise in a specialized area of communications. (On Demand) COM 4601, 4602, 4603 Internships On and off-campus work experience with newspaper, radio, television, ad agencies, or other media-related organizations. Requires periodic meetings with instructor and a cri- tique of the experience including skills assessment and diary. See Internships section on p.70. Prerequisite: JR/SR standing by media professionals. (Alternate Years, Spring) COM 4023 Managing a Media Organization
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