Academic Catalog 2017-2018
COR Transfer Policy
CRIMINAL JUSTICE (CRJ) This is an exciting course curriculum that analyzes the legal, social, economic and political contexts that shape our approach to criminal justice. The program blends principle courses in the functions and organization of the criminal justice systemwith courses focused on specific components of the system in law enforcement , the courts, and corrections to build or refine the mobile and transferable skills our students need to meet the challenges of a criminal justice career anywhere in the country. A baccalaureate degree may be earned in Criminal Justice in the traditional on-campus program designed for entering freshmen or in the online option designed for working adults. The Criminal Justice Major offers students a broad focus range designed to provide them an excellent academic foundation for entry into the Criminal Justice profession or preparation for law school for those students who are considering a criminal law legal career. Criminal Justice students are taught to think critically, act ethically, and apply theory to practical situations that they currently encounter or will encounter in Criminal Justice careers. Degree requirements for the traditional program and the Online option are listed below: I. Major A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 55) 52 SH Students are required to take the following: PSY 1013 Introduction to Psychology MAT 2023 Statistics **Requirement: INT 3063 Learning and Research Skills (Online only) In order for a student transferring academic credit from a regionally accredited post-sec- ondary institution to be exempt from COR 2001 Personal Wellness Lab and/or COR 2002 Personal Wellness, the student must demonstrate completion of comparable courses from another regionally accredited institution. Policy 1: COR 1012 In order for a student transferring academic credit from a regionally accredited post- secondary institution to be exempt from COR 1012 Invitation to Inquiry, a student must demonstrate completion of 32 credit hours from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution or be subject to an existing articulation agreement with a regionally accredited institution. Policy 2: COR 2012 and COR 3012 In order for a student transferring academic credit from a regionally accredited post-sec- ondary institution to be exempt from COR 2012 Character Formation or 3012 Civic and Global Response, a student must demonstrate completion of 94 credit hours from a region- ally accredited post-secondary institution or be subject to an existing articulation agree- ment with a regionally accredited institution. If the application of this policy results in a student being required to take both COR 2012 and COR 3012 in the same semester, an exemption from COR 3012 may be obtained relieving the student from this course when approved by the student’s advisor, the Director of General Education, and the Vice Presi- dent for Academic Affairs. Policy 3: COR 2001 and COR 2002
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