A True Disciple
We live in a world desperate for love. The breakdown of the family coupled with the decline of moral values have left an indelible mark on our society. Motivated by selfish ambition and greed, people clamor to hold onto the treasures of this world, oblivious to God and to the needs of others around them. Tragically, many in the church of Jesus Christ hasten into this vortex of self - gratification. As a result, Satan has cunningly deceived the people of God; they spiral into the lusts and pleasures of the world. They prefer temporal bliss in lieu of eternal treasure. They fail to be the light in the darkness. Left on the sidelines are the masses, the hopeless, the Christless, who most need to know the love of God through a relationship with Christ. They cry out for truth. They are desperate to be loved, and they are perishing because no one cares to love them with His love. Shall we continue to ignore the call of our Savior to go and make disciples of all nations? Shall we turn away and not share His love with others? Shall we not consider the words of Jesus, “ who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross ” (Heb 12:2)? Shall we not endure hardship and persecutions for His name ’ s sake and for the sake of the gospel?
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