2018 National Convention Program
National Director Edward “Ed” Hicks P.O. Box 485 711 Front Street
Lovingston, VA 22949 Phone: (434) 263-5432 Cell: (434) 531-5055 Email: mredward0754@gmail.com
CLUB: Member of Lovingston (VA) Ruritan Club; Club Vice President 2003-04; Club President 2005-08; Club Treasurer 2009-11, 2013-17; E-Contact 2009-10. DISTRICT: Woodrow Wilson District Zone 3 Governor 2009, 2014-15; District Lt. Governor 2016; District Governor 2017. NATIONAL: Attended Leadership Conference; Served as Sergeant-at-Arms and participated in Flag Ceremony at National Convention. EDUCATION: Lakeland High School; Lee University, Northwestern University. OCCUPATION: University of Virginia Prosthetics & Orthotics Certified Orthotist; UVA Community of Service Award; US Dept. of Labor (Nat’l Occupational Information Network (ONET) Data Collection Program. OTHER: Church of God member; Sunday school teacher; choir member and soloist; serve on church and pastor’s council; Adventure Camp, Inc. board & staff member; married to Camille; seven children and 20 grandchildren.
Biographies were printed as submitted by candidates
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