2018 National Convention Program
National Director Cassandra Flanagan 8346 Delray Road Delray, WV 26714
Phone: (304) 496-7312 Office: (540) 869-8319 Cassandra.Flanagan@thermofisher.com or race28chix@frontier.net
CLUB: Member of Rio-Delray 2005-2012; currently a member in Slanesville, Capon Valley and North River Ruritan clubs; leadership experience includes offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director; awarded Outstanding Secretary Award 2015 and 2016. DISTRICT: Served as Youth Coordinator, Lt. Zone Governor and Zone Governor for Upper West Virginia District. NATIONAL: None at present EDUCATION: Bachelors of Science in Biology from Bridgewater College; Master’s in Business Administration from WVU. OCCUPATION: Quality Assurance Supervisor for Thermo Fisher Scientific OTHER: Hampshire County FFA Alumni (Secretary); Hampshire County 4-H; Capon Bridge Founder’s Day Committee; Youth Soccer Assistant Coach; 3 rd generation Ruritan member and children, Travis, Kate and Catelynn, are 4 th generation; married to Bryan.
Biographies were printed as submitted by candidates
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