2018 National Convention Program
National Director Donna Jo Poulton 30 Aeronca Road Belton, SC 29627 Phone: (864) 617-5572 Email: donnajorocks@gmail.com
CLUB: Member, Augusta Road (SC) Ruritan Club; Past President; Past Treasurer; Past Board Member; Chair, Environmental Committee; served as member of all ARRC Committees; song leader and Program chair. DISTRICT: Past Governor, Lt. Governor; currently serving my las year on the District Cabinet; served on Nominating Committee (2 yrs.) NATIONAL: N/A EDUCATION: Oakwood Christian School (HS); Clemson University, B.A. Elementary Education; Liberty University, Business Administration Certificate. OCCUPATION: Procurement Specialist, Vulcan Materials Company; Employed 30 yrs., starting as a truck driver and working up to present position. OTHER: Member, Cedar Shoals Baptist Church; Director, Youth & Children (8 yrs.); Choir director (5 yrs.); Sunday School teacher, VBS teacher, church council; Married to Danny (30 yrs.); two sons, Dale and JD; two grandsons, Justin and Hunter; daughter-in-law, Susan; two fur babies, Beau & Brutus.
Biographies were printed as submitted by candidates
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