Montgomery County Parks & Recreation
Winter/Spring 2019
Registration Information
2 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
2 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
Registration for Winter/Spring programs will begin on Wed., January 9 th at 8:30 a.m. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks , click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun event for the season, add to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express . If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email address and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the five simple steps to get set up! Mail your registration – we accept mailed-in registration anytime, as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. Register by phone – give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. Come see us! – we are open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We accept cash, check, and credit cards. Refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Inclement Weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletic programs are cancelled. Our athletics cancellation line (540) 381-6843 will be updated by 4:00 p.m. if there are any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be updated at www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics . Summer Brochure will be available May 1. how to r gister 1. Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add them to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email addr ss and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to cre te an account, click “ C ate New Account ” and follow the 5 simple steps to get set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( form in the back of this book ), as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal bus nes hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by MCPR. inclement weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletics programs are cancelled. Our athletics ca cellation line (540.381-6843) will be updated by 4 p.m. if there ar any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page i l also be up ated - www.facebook.com/mcparksr c. hletics. the winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. how to regis er . Register online - visit www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks, click nline in the top right corner, find your f n events for the se on, ad them to nd pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCa d or American Express. If you have with us before and provided your mail address, you already have an acc unt. email address and click “ Forg t your p ssw d? ” for a reset email t be s to need to creat an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple t set up! . Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in re istrations anytime ( form in the is book ), as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to gistration openi g or the season, it will b kept on file and processed at the siness on the day registrati n begins. Please make checks payabl to ry County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. . Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal bu iness 0 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to regist r for programs or reserve our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We accept cash, check or credit card payments in person. refunds e available if requested before the gistration deadli e of a program, unl ss e been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through a a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by incleme t weather mery County schools a e cl sed, at letics programs are can elled. Our at l tics n line (540.381-6843) will be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any cancellations. cs Facebook page will also be updated - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. e winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 on for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m. how t register 1. Register online - visit www.montgo erycountyva.gov/parks, click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun events for the season, add them to your cart and pay using your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. If you have registered with us before and provided your e ail address, you already have an account. Enter y ur email address and click “ Forgot your password? ” for a res t email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “ Create New Account ” and follow the 5 simple steps to g t set up! 2. Mail your registration - we accept mailed-in registrations anytime ( for in the back of thi book ), as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and pr cessed at the open of business on the day registration begins. Ple se make checks payable to Montgomer County Parks and Recre tion. Our address is at the bottom of the page. 3. Register by phone - give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hou s (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) to register for programs or reserv our facilities. 4. Come see us! - we are open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday . We acce t cash, check or credit car payments in person. refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have b en ord red. Pro-rated refu s will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are auto atic when a progr m is cancelled by MCPR. inclement weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletics programs are cancelled. Our athletics cancellati n line (540.381-6843) wi l be updated by 4 p.m. if there are any canc llations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be upda ed - www.facebook.com/mcparksrec.athletics. the winter/spring brochure will be available Jan. 3 Registration for autumn programs will begin on Wed., Sept. 13, at 8:30 a.m.
Keep In Touch
Montgomery County is an Equ and employment on the basis o affiliation, disability or veteran Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recrea h ughmb@Mo tgomery Leigh Anne Stover Senior Prog am Assistant stoverla@MontgomeryCo Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Programs, Tours adamsbushkj@Montgome Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Educatio buchananbt@Montgome Mitchell Director haughm Leigh A Senior Pr stoverla Recreati Kemvia Senior Pr adamsb Brad Bu Parks & buchan Montgom and empl affiliation,
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
Phone: 540.382-6975 | Cancellation line: 540.381-6843 www.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov/Parks
mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073 Montgomery County Parks and Recreation 755 Roa oke Street, Suite 1E Chris ansburg, VA 24073
Montgomery County Parks and Recreation 755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E Christiansburg, VA 24073
mcpr@montgomerycountyva.gov www.facebook.com/mcparksrec www.twitter.com/mcparksrec
gomery County Parks and Recreation anoke Street, Suite 1E tiansburg, VA 24073
2 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
What’s Inside
Staff Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 9 Lindsey Kingrey Administrative Coordinator kingreylb@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 1 Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Program, Tours adamsbushkj@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 3 Brad Buchanan Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 7 Allison Zuchowski Aquatics and Community Programs zuchowskiah@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 8 Chris Slusher Auburn Athletic Supervisor slusherce@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 4 Ashley Hadidian Eastern Montgomery Athletic Supervisor hadidianad@montgomerycountyva.gov 540-382-6975, option 5 Kayla Criner Recreation Assistant crinerkm@montgomeryva.gov 540-382-6975, option 1
5 active adults
9 athletics
15 ammenities
17 aquatics
Terry Matney & Ben Sharp Maintenance Crew Leaders Justin Arnold & Preston Krisha Maintenance Staff Commission April DeMotts Board of Supervisors Liaison Adam Workman Planning Commission Liaison Susan Miller Chair Howard Eaves Vice Chair Ginny Peeples Commissioner Cory Thompson Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation haughmb@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Leigh Anne Stover Senior Program Assistant stoverla@M ntgomeryCountyVA.gov Recreation Supervisors Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Progr ms, Tours adamsbushkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Brad Buchanan , CPSI Parks & Outdoor Education buchananbt@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov ion ountyVA.gov ntyVA.gov yCountyVA.gov augh f Parks & Recreation @MontgomeryCountyVA.gov ne Stover gram Assistant MontgomeryCountyVA.gov n Supervisors dams-Bush grams, Tours shkj@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov hanan , CPSI utdoor Education nbt@MontgomeryCountyVA.gov Commissioner Stephen Cole Commissioner Don Karnes Commissioner Neal Feierabend Commissioner Mark Hollandsworth Commissioner
19 community programs
22 family events
24 outdoor programs
37 public safety
29 trips and tours
Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status. yCountyVA.g v ry County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs yment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political disability or veteran status. Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status. l Opportunity Employer and d es not discriminate in its progra s race, color, sex, national origin, m rital status, age, religion, political tatus.
540.382.6975 | 3
stormwater impacts you
We need your opinion on Montgomery County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System ( MS4 ) Program Plan. The plan outlines a proposed strategy and timeline for implementing public education/ participation, pollution prevention, and stormwater management goals. View the plan and complete the survey at montva.com/stormwater . Survey responses are due by Apr. 1, 2019 . Questions about the plan? Contact Stormwater Specialist John Burke at 540-394-2090.
This message is part of Montgomery County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements to provide public education and outreach on relevant stormwater issues. Learn more about the County’s efforts at www.montva.com/stormwater
Active Adults
The following programs are co-sponsored with Christiansburg, Blacksburg and Radford Parks & Recreation, Montgomery County & Radford RSVP, and Meadowbrook Library
BIRTHDAY BINGO BASH – $4 Join us as we celebrate birthdays for the months of January-April. Refreshments, drinks and birthday cake will be served. Bring $1 in quarters for bingo prizes. Registration deadline is January 22.
Tues, Jan 29
1:00 p.m.
Christiansburg Parks & Recreation
VALENTINE WREATH – $10 Make an easy Valentine wreath for your front door or wall in your home. Supplies are included in class fee. Registration deadline is February 1.
Tues, Feb 5
11:00 a.m.
Christiansburg Parks & Recreation
RICKY COX – FREE Be entertained by Ricky Cox, instructor of Appalachian Studies at Radford University, as he sings and plays the guitar and a bit of banjo, in a fun celebration of love-or the lack thereof. Come laugh and sing along with others as you learn a bit about Appalachian music, Appalachian folklore and enjoy light refreshments on a winter afternoon. A bit of love and laughter are good for the heart and soul! Registration deadline is February 4.
Wed, Feb 6 1:30 p.m.
Montgomery County Government Center
Multi-purpose Room #2
HAPPY HEARTS – FREE Donald Chaloupka will entertain you on the piano to celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Karr Activity Center inWarmHearth Village. Light refreshments will be served and participants are requested to bring their favorite chocolate confection to share with the group. Registration deadline is February 11.
Wed, Feb 13
1:00 p.m.
Warm Hearth Village, Karr Activity Center
540.382.6975 | 5
HEARTS MATTER – FREE Jen Sandifer MS, RD, house dietitian at Warm Hearth Village will discuss what you can do to make heart healthy choices by taking small steps to a healthier you by feeding your heart with whole grain goodness. You will have an opportunity to sample easy to prepare heart healthy snacks. Just for the fun of it, enjoy a game of candy bar bingo. Participants should bring two full sized wrapped candy bars to be used as bingo prizes. Light refreshments will be served. Registration deadline is February 25.
Thurs, Feb 28
1:00 p.m.
Warm Hearth Village, Karr Activity Center
CALLIGRAPHY – $10 Hand lettering often referred to as “Faux Calligraphy” is used to create unique, expressive text that can be created to fit any style project. Hand lettering uses thick down strokes and light upstrokes written with pens or brush pens instead of just a nib and ink. Unlike traditional calligraphy, hand lettering is used on many different mediums, including paper, chalkboards, painting and signs. Instructor, Kelley Flinchum will teach you the basic skills needed to start a new hobby while sparking your creativity. Registration deadline is February 22. Fee includes supplies.
Fri, Mar 1
1:00 p.m.
Montgomery County Government Center
Multi-purpose Room 2
RSVP MEET & GREET Are you 55 or older? If so, come by for a meet and greet at the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Office at 210 S Pepper Street, Suite D, Christiansburg to learn more about the program, how to volunteer with non-profit organizations, and the benefits of being a member of a nation-wide senior organization. Questions? Contact Mandy Hayes, Coordinator at 382-5775 or hayesaw@montgomerycountyva.gov
Thurs, Mar 7
10:00 a.m.
RSVP Office
COUNTER ART TRIVETS – $15 Spend your lunch break learning the fun of painting with acrylics. Celebrate spring with a trivet decorated with a bird nest and filled with robin eggs in an apple tree covered in spring blossoms. No experience necessary, our paint instructor will walk you through the steps to create your own masterpiece. Registration deadline is March 5. Fee includes all supplies.
Tues, Mar 12 1:00 p.m.
Montgomery County Government Center
Multi-purpose Room 2
6 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
ST. PATRICK’S DAY BINGO – $4 Join us as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with food and bingo. Bring $1 in quarters for bingo prizes. Registration deadline is March 8.
Fri, Mar 15
1:00 p.m.
Christiansburg Parks & Recreation
HELLO SPRING – $5 Get crafty and create a fun spring egg decoration made of paper raffia and mod podge. You will also learn to decorate edible carrot cookies to share with friends and family. Registration deadline is March 13.
Wed, Mar 20
1:30 p.m.
Christiansburg Parks & Recreation
NRV TIME BANK – FREE Share your talents with others in exchange for an opportunity to receive assistance with projects in which you need help. This is a great way to get help with your to-do list. You will also learn about the tool lending library and Repair Café coming soon to the Habitat for Humanity Restore Store. By performing jobs, participants earn hours that are used as currency and may spend them by requesting the services of other users. A light lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is March 18.
Fri, Mar 22 11:00 a.m.
Montgomery County Government Center
Multi-Purpose Room 1
CUPCAKES MADE EASY – $5 Youwill learn funandeasyways todecorate cupcakes for Easter or a special springtimeoccasion. Instruction, cupcakes and decorating supplies will be provided, just bring the inspiration to be creative and have fun! A light lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is April 1.
Mon, April 8
11:00 a.m.
Christiansburg Recreation Center
540.382.6975 | 7
GROW YOUR OWN SALAD BOWL – $5 Don’t get stuck in the same old salad routine, shake it up by tossing in some spectacular greens and herbs. Learn how you can create and grow a “salad bowl” that can be harvested in about a month. A light salad bowl lunch will be provided and the demo salad garden will be given away as a door prize. Registration deadline is May 1.
Tues, May 7
10:00 a.m.
Christiansburg Parks & Recreation
EAST MONT GARDEN DAY – FREE Celebrate springtime with a visit to the East Mont Garden Day on Saturday, May 4, 9am-1pm at the Meadowbrook Center Courtyard. There will be a bake sale, perennials and vegetable plants for sale, arts and crafts booths, farmers market, music and free children’s activities courtesy of the library. Enter your tractor or lawn mower in the show, prizes will be awarded for people’s choice and most original tractors, and most unique riding lawn mower. Registration for the show begins at 8:30 am, and judging will be at 12:30 pm. For more information call 268-1964
8 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
Sponsors of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation
DICK’S SPORTING GOODS Thank you to Dick’s Sporting Goods located in Christiansburg at the New River Valley Mall for being a sponsor of MCPR Athletics! Our friends at DSG arrange special shopping days and exclusive coupons for MPCR athletes and their parents while providing us with equipment and donations. Check out Dick’s Sporting Goods on the web at www.dickssportinggoods.com SHELOR MOTOR MILE Thanks to all of our friends at the Shelor Motor Mile in Christiansburg for supporting MCPR Athletics. From help constructing Motor Mile Park to spon- soring our yearly Ripken Baseball Clinic. Over the years, Shelor has helped us raise funds through ticket sales and car test drives. For more information on Shelor, please visit www.shelor.com CHRISTIANSBURG SOCCER CLUB The Christiansburg Soccer Club (CSC) strives to provide recreational and com- petitive soccer at reasonable cost for the New River Valley. CSC is the top soccer provider for Christiansburg, Riner, Shawsville, and Elliston. Travel and academy soccer are also available. Check out our website for more informa- tion at www.csoccer.org NEW RIVER UNITED New River United is the premier soccer club providing soccer for all levels of players in the New River Valley. Programs include recreational soccer (4-18 yrs), travel soccer (8-18), adult league (18-up), summer camps (4-18), winter indoor leagues (both youth and adult) and many more. Please visit www. newriverunited.com or email info@nrusa.org with any questions NEW RIVER VALLEY LACROSSE CLUB The New River Valley Lacrosse Club’s (NRVLC) mission is to bring the commu- nity together in sport by providing opportunities for area youth to participate as members of lacrosse teams. NRVLC currently fields the following lacrosse teams in Montgomery County; varsity boys, varsity girls, junior varsity boys, junior varsity/middle school girls, middle school boys and 4th and 5th grade boys. NRVLC also offers various clinics and camps for all ages. To learn more about programs and happenings with lacrosse please visit www.nrvlc.org BLACKSBURG BASEBALL ASSOCIATION The Blacksburg Baseball Association is a self-funded, non-profit organization developed to provide players in the Blacksburg school district with the oppor- tunity to participate in competitive baseball. The BBA is an official franchise of Dixie Youth Baseball and offers leagues for Coach-Pitch through Dixie Youth Baseball to Babe Ruth Baseball. For more information on the BBA and to reg- ister for their leagues please visit www.blacksburgbaseball.com BLACKSBURG SOFTBALL ASSOCIATIO N Youth Softball for the Blacksburg school district is offered through the Blacks- burg Softball Association. They offer youth softball from coach-pitch through Babe Ruth Softball leagues. For more information on BDS and to register for their leagues please visit: www.blacksburgdixiesoftball.org
Friends of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation
540.382.6975 | 9
Let the Kids Play Scholarship Fund
The Let the Kids Play Scholarship Fund was created several seasons ago to ensure that all kids have the opportunity to play sports and participate in after school programs. The fund helps offset the registration cost that families endure to make all programming affordable. The fund pays 75 percent of fees to qualified participants. If you would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund, your help is always appreciated and will only be used for kids right here in our Montgomery County service areas. Children nowmore than ever need a chance to run, be on a team, learn from coaches/instructors and have the opportunity to just go play.
FIND US ON FACEBOOK! Stay up to date on all youth athletics happenings, articles, pictures, leagues, cancellations and much, much more by following us at Montgomery County Parks and Recreation Athletics on Facebook.
10 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
CHRIS SLUSHER, Auburn Athletics Supervisor slusherce@montgomerycountyva.gov
ASHLEY HADIDIAN, Eastern Montgomery Athletics Supervisor hadidianad@montgomerycountyva.gov
START SMART BASEBALL (Coed, ages 3-4) – $40 This program teaches the basic motor skills necessary to play organized teeball, baseball and softball while participants work one-on-one with their parents. The program focuses on such skills as throwing, catching, batting, running and agility without the threat of competition and the fear of getting hurt. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Season runs April/May.
Start Smart Baseball – Auburn Start Smart Baseball – East Mont
3-4 3-4
6445 6446
MCPR TEEBALL (Coed, ages 5-6) – $40 Teeball is a timeless classic; the sport develops the primary skills of hitting, running, fielding and throwing. Teeball players will gain an understanding of the fundamental rules of baseball and softball. Participants’ age as of May 1 will determine division placement. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Season starts in April and runs through June.
Teeball – Auburn Teeball – East Mont Teeball – Prices Fork
5-6 5-6 5-6
6447 6449 6451
NRV COACH PITCH BASEBALL (Boys, ages 7-8) – $40 Coach-Pitch Baseball stresses individual skill development and game understanding in a re- laxed and recreational atmosphere. Coach-Pitch season consists of teams from area New River Valley recreation departments to form a true baseball league. Participants’ age as of May 1, 2019 will determine division placement. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Season starts in April and runs through June.
Coach-Pitch Baseball – Auburn Coach-Pitch Baseball – East Mont
7-8 7-8
6452 6453
540.382.6975 | 11
NRV COACH PITCH SOFTBALL (Girls, ages 7-8) – $40 Coach-Pitch Softball stresses individual skill development and game understanding in a re- laxed and recreational atmosphere. Coach-Pitch season consists of teams from area New River Valley recreation departments to form a true softball league. Participants’ age as of January 1, 2019 will determine division placement. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Season starts in April and runs through June.
Location Course
Coach-Pitch Softball – Auburn Coach-Pitch Softball – East Mont
7-8 7-8
6456 6458
DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL (Boys, ages 9-12) – $50 Established in 1955, Dixie Youth Baseball’s goal is to promote the development of strong character, a right attitude, a sense of responsibility and citizenship in youngsters, using the game of baseball as a vehicle. Players will learn the game of baseball and how to play it the right way. Locally our teams will compete in a league with area parks and recreation departments, games will be played during the week and on weekends. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines league division, practices starts end of March/early April. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Registrations MUST be made on time to ensure league eligibility requirements.
Ages 9-10 9-10 Ages 11-12 11-12
Location Course
Dixie AAA Baseball – Auburn Dixie AAA Baseball – East Mont
6461 6465
Location Course
Dixie Ozone Baseball – Auburn Dixie Ozone Baseball – East Mont
6467 6469
BABE RUTH BASEBALL (Boys ages 13-15) – $50 Founded in 1951, Babe Ruth Baseball League was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wished to continue their baseball playing experience beyond age 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90’ diamonds under Official Baseball Rules used by major League Baseball. In this division, teams are eligible to enter tournament competition andmove along the tournament trail, culminating in aWorld Series. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines league division, practices starts late May. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Registrations MUST be made on time to ensure league eligibility requirements.
Ages 13-15
Location Course
Babe Ruth Baseball – Auburn Babe Ruth Baseball – East Mont
6470 6472
13-15 EMHS
12 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
BABE RUTH SOFTBALL (Girls ages 9-14) – $50 Since its inception in 1984, Babe Ruth Softball has grown tremendously to become a pre- mier softball program throughout the United States and Canada and is also the fastest grow- ing division of Babe Ruth League Inc. The primary emphasis of Babe Ruth Softball is on education, skill development, participation for all levels of ability and of course having fun. Age as of January 1, 2019 determines league division, practices starts end of March/early April. Registrations begins January 9, 2019 and runs through Friday, March 8 (in-person) and Sunday March 10 (online). Registrations MUST be made on time to ensure league eligibility requirements.
Ages 9-10 9-10 Ages 11-12 11-12 Ages 13-14 13-14
Babe Ruth Softball 10U – Auburn Babe Ruth Softball 10U – East Mont
6474 6475
Babe Ruth Softball 12U – Auburn Babe Ruth Softball 12U – East Mont
6476 6477
Babe Ruth Softball 14U – Auburn Babe Ruth Softball 14U – East Mont
6478 6479
540.382.6975 | 13
Prices Fork Elementary School
4021 Prices Fork Road Blacksburg, VA 24060
Auburn Elementary Schoo l 1760 Auburn School Drive
Riner, VA 24149
Auburn Elementary School 1760 Auburn School Drive
Babe Ruth Softball Field
Riner, VA 24149
Auburn High School
1650 Auburn School Drive
Baseball Field
Riner, VA 24149
Auburn High School
1650 Auburn School Drive
Softball Field
Riner, VA 24149
Plum Creek Park 1515 Hornsby Drive
Dixie Youth Baseball Field
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Motor Mile Park 2306 Tyler Road
Dixie Youth Baseball Field
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Eastern Montgomery Elementary School
4580 Eastern Montgomery Lane
Elliston, VA 24087
Old Shawsville Elementary School 4390 Riffe Street Baseball FieldElliston, VA 24087
Dixie Youth
Old Shawsville Elementary School
Babe Ruth Softball Field
4390 Riffe Street Elliston, VA 24087
EMHS Varsity
Eastern Montgomery High School
4695 Crozier Road Elliston, VA 24087
Baseball Field
EMHS Varsity
Eastern Montgomery High School
4695 Crozier Road Elliston, VA 24087
Softball Field
14 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
Amenitites / Parks and Facilities
Located in the middle of the Huckleberry Trail, in between the Towns of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, the Coal Mining Heritage Park is full of history and opportunity for exploration. The former Merrimac mining community resided on this 30-acres tract where you will now find a passive park with open green space along with a large wooden bridge that takes you into the park. An ADA accessible trail leads to the old mining entrance and some of the old foundations. The Coal Mining Loop Trail is 1.5 miles and is designed to accommodate bicyclists, joggers, walkers and trail users. There is a quarter-mile section designed to be accessible for wheelchair users. EASTERN MONTGOMERY PARK – 5001 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, ELLISTON
Tucked away in the eastern part of the County on the South Fork of the Roanoke River is Eastern Montgomery Park. This park has some unique amenities such as a grass volleyball court, model airplane flying strip and a canoe and kayak boat launch. A playground and walking trail by the river make this a great place to spend time with family and friends. As the largest shelter across the County parks, this shelter features 13 picnic tables, two grills, and electricity. The shelter is available for rent from April 1 through October 31. Rental fees start at $30 for a half day reservation (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 3
p.m. to 9 p.m.) or $50 for a whole day (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/mcpr/ Reserve_Options HUCKLEBERRY TRAIL Extending from the Christiansburg Recreation Center (1600 N. Franklin St.) to the Montgomery County Public Library in downtown Blacksburg (200 Miller St., SW), and passing Heritage Park connecting to the National Forest Trail Network, the Huckleberry Trail offers an asphalt-paved bike/pedestrian path constructed on the old Huckleberry Rail Line. This trail is open to walkers, runners and bikers. NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES OR HORSES ARE ALLOWED. Additional information and maps are available for reference at http://huckleberrytrail.org/ M�COY PARK – 5770 M�COY ROAD, BLACKSBURG
Just a 15-mintue drive from Blacksburg, McCoy Park features a youth baseball field, a shelter, walking track and playground equipment. The shelter features picnic tables, concrete floors, a grill, and electricity. The shelter is available for rent from April 1 to October 31. Rental fees start at $30 for half day (9a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or $50 for a whole day (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm. activecommunities.com/mcpr/Reserve_Options
MID-COUNTY PARK – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG The largest park in Montgomery County at 110 acers, Mid-County offers many amenities including the Frog Pond Swimming Pool, the Activities Center and Golden Hill Disc Golf Course. Some unique features of this park include the extensive nature trail system, wildlife habitat areas, aquatic and wetland areas, and a dog walking area. This park also features a playground and basketball court. There are three picnic shelters (two are available for rent), charcoal grills, and electricity. Wheelchair accessible trials are available to Shelters #1, #2 and the restrooms. The two shelters
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are available for rent from April 1 to October 31. The max capacity for each shelter is 100 guests. Rental fees start at $30 for a half day (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or $50 for a whole day (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Reservations must be made one week in advance. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/mcpr/Reserve_Options MID-COUNTY ACTIVITY CENTER – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG
The Activity Center is two floors and is used for summer camps and special programs by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. It is located adjacent to the Frog Pond Swimming Pool and near the Mid- County shelters, nature trails and disc golf course.
THE FROG POND – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG The pool season runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Generally, when Montgomery County schools are in session, the pool will be open on Saturdays and Sundays only. Montgomery County’s only outdoor public pool is a beach-entry leisure pool with water slides, fountains and geysers. The tots’ pool, beside the leisure pool, provides enjoyment for children under the age of 5. The entire facility is available for rent from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day (may be subject to change). The pool is available for rent throughout the summer with reservations opening on April 1. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Rental fees start at $175 for a minimum of 2 hours and a $75 fee per each additional hour. The total rental fee is due at time of reservation. The rental fee includes designated lifeguards with 1 lifeguard per 25 guests. The max party size is 100 people. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/mcpr/Reserve_Options
Built with donations from the Shelor Motor Group, Motor Mile Park includes a tournament style lighted baseball/softball field, dugouts, a multipurpose practice field for a variety of sports, a playground, and a shelter with a grill and picnic tables. The shelter is available for rent from April 1 to October 31. Rental fees start at $30 for a half day (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or $50 for a whole day (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/mcpr/Reserve_Options
PLUM CREEK PARK – 1515 HORNSBY DRIVE, CHRISTIANSBURG Located in the western part of the County near the City of Radford, Plum Creek Park features a competition-level baseball/softball field, walking track, and playground equipment. There is also plenty of green space outside the ball field that allows for activates such as dog walking and Frisbee playing. The shelter includes picnic tables and a grill, and is available for rent from April 1 to October 31. Rental fees start at $30 for a half day (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or $50 for a whole day (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Please view availability and reserve online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/mcpr/ Reserve_Options
16 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
HIRING FROG POND & FROG HOPPER CAMP STAFF Starting early this spring, keep an eye out if you want to become part of our sum- mer staff for the 2019 season. If you’re looking for a fun, exciting summer job, this is your opportunity! Frog Pond pool staff will include head guards, lifeguards and front gate attendants. Frog Hopper Camp staff will include camp directors and counselors. Check job availability and apply online when they become open at www.montgomerycountyva.gov/hr.
LIFEGUARD CLASS – $200 The American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard Training Course will provide you with the necessary skills to become a Certified Lifeguard. The course will include American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, AED and Lifeguarding Training. Individuals interested in the class should be strong swimmers and come prepared to be challenged with these new skills. After the successful completion of the course, you will receive a certification valid for two years. If you are selected for an interview and hired with Montgomery County Parks and Rec, you will receive a $100 refund at the end of the pool season. Please note: taking this class does not guarantee a job with MCPR; your application will be considered with all other applications, however – for your consideration – you must list your expected date of completion for this course on the application. Deadline to register: May 10 th . Space is limited.
May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26
4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Mid-County Activity Center & Frog Pond
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Preview of Frog Hoppers' Camp Themes for SUMMER 2019 – $175 per session Registration will begin March 15th and registration packets are available after March 1st on our website www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks or At the MCPR office, 755 Roanoke St., Christiansburg. Frog Hoppers, Montgomery County’s summer day camp (grades 1-6), is a great way for chil- dren to experience education and recreation outdoors! This is a well-structured camp that involves small group learning activities at Mid-County Park and the Frog Pond Swimming Pool. Campers will experience arts, crafts, nature activities, hikes, sports, games and more! They will also get daily free swim time at the pool. Camp is held daily, rain or shine. Qualified, trained and experienced counselors will initiate the fun and activities that your child will remember forever. Camp will be held Monday-Friday and taught in weekly sessions with drop-off beginning at 7:30 a.m. and pick-up by 5:30 p.m. a late pick-up fee of $1 per minute will be applied after 5:30 p.m. space is limited to 25 participants, so register early! Registration deadline: Wednesday prior to the week of camp. Note: children are eligible for camp from the time they are entering 1 st grade to the time they are entering 6 th grade; after they have reached the 6 th grade they are no longer eligible.
Session Dates
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
June 10 - 14 June 17 - 21 June 24 - 28
Safari Week
Super Heroes & Princesses
Sports Extravaganza
July 1 - 5 *(No Camp on 7/4)
Patriotic Celebration Mad Scientist Lab The Wonders of Water
July 8 - 12 July 15 - 19 July 22 - 26
Animal Planet Shark Week
July 29 - August 2
18 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
Community Programs
FAMILY & FRIENDS CPR – $15 The Family & Friends CPR course teaches the lifesaving skills of adult Hands-Only CPR, adult CPR with breaths, child CPR with breaths, adult and child AED use, infant CPR, and mild and severe airway block for adults, children, and infants. Skills are taught in a dynamic group environment using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible.
Family & Friends CPR is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a CPR course certification card to meet a job requirement. This course is ideal for community groups, new parents, grandparents, babysitters, and others interested in learning how to save a life.
Wed., Apr. 3
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
This class is an introductory course to look at real world self-defense. The course is broken down into two classes. In the first class held at the Montgomery County Government Center, we will discuss the myths and misconceptions
of self-defense as well as the theory behind effective self- protection. In the second class, held at Kempo Karate Studio we will practice practical ways to defend against a wide range of attacks.
Wed., Mar. 20 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Wed., Mar. 27 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Kempo Karate Studio
FLEXIBILITY & STRENGTH TRAINING CLASS – $15 Whether you are just committing to a stronger self or want to improve your current routine, this class is for you. This class will include some cardio, strength and flexibility exercises in a variety of time efficient workouts making it a fun 30 minute workout. You’ll also improve balance, flexibility, range of motion, posture and functional performance of everyday activities.
Feb. 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Mar. 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. April 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25 12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
6431 6432 6433
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BOB ROSS JOY OF PAINTING – $55 (AGE 10 up) You’ll learn to paint anything frommountains to seascapes, cabins, barns and lakes. Certified Bob Ross Instructor (CRI) in landscapes, Bobby Woods, will be teaching. After each session you will have a completed finished painting to enjoy and show off. Children under 10 should be accompanied by an adult. All materials provided. Registration deadline is one week prior to each class. Date Time Location Course Sat., January 26 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MCAC 6422 Sat., February 23 (all sessions) (all sessions) 6423 Sat., March 30 6424 Sat., April 27 6425 Sat., May 25 6426
BOATING SAFETY EDUCATION COURSE – FREE (AGE 16) As of 2016, all operators of PWCs (Personal Watercraft such as jet-skis, Sea Doos, Wave Runners, etc.) and operators of Motorboats with a 10hp or greater motor will be required to have a boating safety education course completion card on board when operating their watercraft. To register for the Boating Safety course, you must log on to https://register-ed.com/programs
We are not taking registration through MCPR.
Sat. Mar. 9
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
20 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
‘LEARN TO SKI AND SNOWBOARD’ PROGRAM – Skiing $148 & Snowboarding $208 Here is your chance to learn to ski or snowboard for an incredible price! Montgomery County Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Winterplace Ski Resort to offer some great skiing and boarding opportunities this winter. You get five sessions of skiing or boarding with 90 minutes of instruction each time you visit, along with equipment (including shaped skis and top of the line snowboards). You can use the pass on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00 till close or whenever you have had enough turns, which ever comes first. This is a full mountain pass. These sessions fill up quickly! Please call us at 540-382-6975 option 7 for more information. No skiing or boarding on holiday weekends. Registration deadline is Jan. 14. Prices include equipment rental, 90-minute instruction and lift ticket for all 5 sessions.
Sun., Jan. 27
3:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
through end of season
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Family Events
CANDY BAR BINGO – FREE Bingo is an old-fashioned game that never goes out of style. We will add a chocolate twist for our annual Valentine’s celebration. Each participant brings two wrapped, full sized candy bars to be placed in the prize pool. Participants are requested to bring their favorite choco- late confection to share for refreshments. Registration deadline is February 7. FREE
Mon, Feb 11
6:00 p.m.
Meadowbrook Library
CELEBRATE NATIONAL KITE MONTH – $3 April is National Kite Month! Join us at Bisset Park to celebrate a favorite pastime. Kites will be provided. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult. Lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is March 25.
Tues, April 2
11:00 a.m.
Bisset Park
SPRING CONCERT An enchanting afternoon of music at the Meadowbrook Library to celebrate spring with Woodsongs. Sharon Conlyn, guitarist, and Jim Robinson on the hammer dulcimer will enter- tain you with acoustic folk and Americana tunes. Light refreshments will be served. Please pre-register so that appropriate arrangements can be made for refreshments.
Sun, Apr 14
2:00 p.m.
Meadowbrook Library
CAKE PARTY – $15 A fun, high-energy activity perfect for tweens/teens 12 and up. Each participant will learn how to make homemade frosting, how to layer, de-crumb, tint colors, make designs and write a message on a single layer cake that each can take home. Registration deadline is April 10.
Wed, April 17
6:00 p.m.
Meadowbrook Community Center
22 | www.montgomerycountyva.gov/parks
KIDS FISHING DAY – FREE Sponsored by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation, National Forest Service, and Game and Inland Fisheries, Kids Fishing Day on Saturday, May 4. The annual event starts at 8 a.m. at Pandapas Pond. Kids age 15 and younger can fish for free and enter their catches in the competition. Area game wardens will be on hand to measure the fish. At noon, a whistle will blow and the fishing derby ends! There will be ribbons and prizes for the first and second largest fish, the third largest fish combined and the smallest fish. Montgomery County Parks and Recreation will be cooking hotdogs and serving lemonade. This is a FREE event. Come join the fun! Several special regulations will be in place on Saturday to accommodate the event. Because the pond is stocked with large fish especially for this event, fishing is not allowed after noon on Friday until the event begins on Saturday. No one older than 15 is allowed to fish on Saturday until the event is over - this is the kids’ day! The trail around the pond is closed to all use except the fishing derby from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 4. For more information, contact the Eastern Divide Ranger District at (540) 552-4641. Date Time Location Sat., May 4 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Pandapas Pond
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