Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
Floyd County High School Attendance Plan
Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ___________ Date: _____________________ Term: _________________ Phone: __________ Mailing Address:
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
In conjunction with the state and federal law, Floyd County High School’s Attendance Plan has been designed to assist both the school system and the parent in assuring the optimum educational benefits for students. In an effort to help your child maintain adequate grades and receive the maximum benefits from their education, the following requirements must be followed: 1. The student will arrive at school by 8:15 a.m. to avoid being counted tardy. 2. If the student is unable to attend school, prior approval from Administration is required and is to be documented. Notification is to be made in advance of the effected school day. If the absence is unexpected, then notify the school before 8:15 a.m. the day of the absence. 3. A doctor’s excuse will be required after ________ consecutive days missed. 4. Other requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Any disregard to these set requirements or additional avoidable absences will result in referral to FAPT (Family Assessment Planning Team) or court services. We, the undersigned, agree to the above requirements and have received a copy of these requirements for our records. Date Name and Relationship to Student Signature
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