Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
School Name Address Address City , State, Zip
Parent/Guardian of:
In reviewing school attendance records, it was noted that your child, _________, has been absent from school _______days for the 2019 ‐ 2020 school year. According to State Law (22.5‐254), compulsory attendance is required in all Virginia schools. Further, Floyd County Public School policy allows only explicit excuses (see attached policy) be deemed acceptable. In addition, students that register five (5) or more absences may be placed on an attendance plan. School attendance is an important, integral part to the success of each child’s education. Please help your child by continuing to stress good attendance.
______ Information only at this time.
______ Contact the school to set up a joint meeting to formulate an attendance plan (745‐9430)
Thank you!
PC: Mr. Bill Gardner, Attendance Officer
Attachments: Attendance Policy – Elementary Schools K‐7 Attendance Report Printout
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