Grant and Scholarship Opportunities
Karen Dee Michalowicz First Timers Grant : This grant provides funding support to: VCTM members who have NOT previously attended but wish to attend a regional or annual NCTM meeting; or any Virginia teacher (including non - members) who wishes to attend a VCTM Annual Conference or VCTM Academy for the first time. Three grants are available. One award is given for the regional or annual NCTM conference of $800 and two awards of $400 each for the state conference or academy. Affiliates Grant : The grant supports and strengthens affiliate organizations of VCTM by building memberships and revenues, promoting innovative projects that help make VCTM and affiliate groups more visible to public and educational partners, and supporting the initiatives of NCTM and VCTM. The grant amount will be up to $1500. Emerging Teacher - Leaders in Elementary School Mathematics Grant: NCTM. The purpose of this grant is to increase the breadth and depth of the mathematics content knowledge of one elementary school teacher who has a demonstrated commitment to mathematics teaching and learning. Award maximum of $5,000 . Designing Innovative Lessons and Activities for Mathematics Teaching Grant (Pre - K - 8): NCTM. The Mary P. Dolciani Halloran Foundation sponsors this grant to support synergy of ideas. Mary Dolciani was a prolific and innovative author of mathematics teaching materials. This grant encourages the time - honored tradition of writing and supports the research showing that collaboration with educators on new ideas can increase the breadth and depth of the mathematics content knowledge of mathematics teaching and learning. The purpose of this grant is to encourage teams of mathematics educators to engage in the process of writing and editing materi als for mathematics teachers. Deadline: May 31, 2021; $5,000 each will be awarded, with potential for a one year extension up to two times (for a maximum of $15,000 for the lifetime of the grant). Mathematics Education Trust - Equity in Mathematics Grant (6 - 12): NCTM. The purpose of this grant is to incorporate classroom materials or lessons that will improve the achievement of student groups that have previ ous records of underachievement, sometimes identified by race, gender, region, or culture. Maximum funding of $8,000 each. Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning in Multilingual Classrooms (Pre - K - 12): NCTM. The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance to pre - K - 12 schools for in - service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi - language development when teaching mathematics. The proposed project must explicitly support the implementation of equitable and rigorous mathematics teaching that incorporates students' languages and cultures in their learning of mathematics. One grant of a maximum of $4,000 awarded to a school. Enhancing Student Mathematics Learning through the Use of Tools and Technology Grants (PK - 12): NCTM. The purpose of this grant is to encourage the innovative use of technology and other tools to "help teachers and students visualize and concretize mathematics abstractions..." (Principles to Actions). Deadline: May 1, 2021, with a maximum of $3,000 each to be awarded.
For more information about VCTM grants, please visit: vctm.org/Grants
For information about grants through NCTM, please visit: nctm.org/Grants/
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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