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2007). Parents, teachers, and children are now tru ly working concurrently to educate their children. Accordingly the “ Virginia Department of Educa tion (VDOE) and the Board of Education (BOE) believe that families and schools working in col laboration can create meaningful relationships that lead to significant gains in student achievement and success ” (Virginia Department of Education, n.d.). From this COVID process the first grade children were exposed to the concept of place value and the state learning SOL targets for place value were taught in a varied but differentiated manner. It can thus be seen that Caring, Once daily lessons, Viva cious teaching, Independent learning and direct instruction all make a COVID melting pot for great foundational, life - long math learning! in their Children ’ s Learning? Evidence from Research and Practice. Education Endowment Foundation. https:// educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/ public/files/Publications/ ParentalEngagement/ Parental_Engagement_ - _Evidence_from_Research_and_Practice.p df. Dacey, L., & Salemi, R. E. (2007). Math for All Differentiating Instruction Grades K - 2 . Math Solutions Publication. Fit 4 Kids. (n.d.). Fit 4 Kids. Retrieved May 20, 2020, from https://grfit4kids.org/. Parrish, S. (2010). Number Talks: Whole Number Computation, Grades K - 5 . Math Solutions. Promethean Planet. (n.d.). Promethean Planet. Re trieved December 12, 2020, from https:// resourcelibrary.mypromethean.com/? currentOrg=fcb5a6c2 - 045a - bc47 - a776 d21991ad7a7a. Sammons, L. (2010). Guided Math A Framework References Axford, N., Berry, V., Lloyd, J., Moore, D., Rog ers, M., Hurst, A., Blockley, K., Durkin, H., & Jacqueline Minton, J. (2019). How Can Schools Support Parents ’ Engagement

Annwyn Long First Grade Teacher, A.M. Davis Elementary Chesterfield County Public Schools Chesterfield County, VA

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1


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